Im looking for some answers on which boat would be the best boat that does both. I know that no boat has it all but very curious to hear your opions.There are so many canoes and kayaks out there so if you can help it would be great.
Both what? A stable boat is more
likely to be a dry boat. What contradictory characteristics do you have in mind.
What grumpy means is:
Where are you paddling?
-You want a barge or a boat?both are available
-What do YOU mean by ‘stability’?
-What are your goals?Speed,staying dry,something that won’t ever tip over?(get a bass boat)
-What kind of paddling?piddling,distance(touring),fishing,dog or child passengers?
Define those and we can suggest something.
I will be using the boat on slow rivers and mid size lakes. Im 5’10 235 and want some input on a boat that will be used for fishing as well as slow leisurely paddling.Would a canoe or kayak fit this bill and which brand. Thanks
A canoe will be much drier
Boat kinds of boats can be very stabile but most kayakers use a double paddle that drips into your lap all day long.
While it is quite common for a canoer to have a dry bottom it is almost unheard of amoung the kayak paddlers I see except the very few who use a canoe paddle with their kayak.
"Stability " is in the eyes of the
What is stable to me, might not be for you.
No one can answer your question unless they have paddled with you and know your capabilitiy.
Your best bet is to rent various canoes and kayaks from different outfitters, and keep trying different ones until you find the one that answers your question.
probably be better off in a canoe
usually more stable feeling, and way way easier to fish out of.
starting point
In a canoe you sit higher than you do in a kayak. Many people find this more comfortable and easier to cast from, but it can also feel less stable. Many beginners find it easier to use a double-blade padle than a single blade.
In kayaks, something like a Wilderness Systems Pungo 120 or 140 might work well for you. There are version that come with rod holders and other fishing gear already installed.
The Native boats are an interesting cross between a kayak and a canoe, and might work well for you:
Would you want a solo or tandem canoe?
A couple points
It's possible that not every point that occurs to me right now needs to be mentioned to "you", but I mention each of them anyway.
As has been mentioned, stability is a pretty subjective thing. However, as a canoe-er and someone who has seen a few basic-level kayakers get into a solo canoe for the first time, I think the initial impression most people get is that canoes are less stable, at least less stable than rec and other entry-level kayaks. However, this becomes a non-issue after a very short time. I would say don't worry about stability unless you are considering very sleek and sporty boats, which apparently is not the case.
Nobody ever stays completely dry in a kayak, except by means of protective clothing. Nobody ever gets even the slightest bit wet in a canoe unless the water is rough or they are pushing their limits (or if they do something dumb and fall out of the boat for no good reason - always a possibility with either craft).
For fishing, canoes win, hands down. You can lay your rods down inside the boat where they won't catch on brush, and where they are completely out of the way of tangles with the rod you are currently fishing with or a misplaced landing net. Alternatively, you can lay your rods on the thwarts, right against the gunwales, where you won't accidentally step on them when getting in and out. You don't need fancy and complicated pulley systems for proper anchoring. You can put tackle boxes, landing nets, lunch - everything - on the floor of the boat SOMEwhere, and it will still be within easy reach even if you have to scoot forward on your knees or kneel on the floor and turn around and reach behind the seat. Finally, if you can kneel for an extended period of time, placing your knees on the floor and your butt against a slanted seat will allow you to pivot your upper body to face many different directions quite easily, which is a HUGE advantage when casting in many different directions or when your drifting boat pivots with the wind and won't remain "aimed the right way" for convenient casts and retrieves. Try this: Sit on a pillow on the floor with your legs out in front of you and see how far you can comfortably twist to the right and left and still be able to cast the direction you are facing and control your retrieve. Now kneel with your butt on a low overturned bucket and see how much farther you can twist to each side.
Going back to the issue of "doing something dumb and falling out of the boat", it IS good to be prepared for that possibility. In a canoe, no modifications to the boat are needed even if you want to tie in every item in the boat at any location you might choose. The thwarts and seat rails work fine as attachment points for various lines, though gluing tie-downs to the floor can still be handy for a lot of reasons.
If you are fishing out in open water and in significant wind, THEN a SOT kayak starts to look like an attractive option. That's why paddlers who fish on the ocean use SOTs. On protected waters, the ONE advantage of a SOT kayak disappears. A sit-inside kayak is even less fisherman-friendly, though plenty of people use one. You might also consider either type of kayak for fishing if you want to be able to paddle long distances without ever going to the trouble of "learning how to paddle".
Hasn’t been mentioned yet ,but there are
sit-on-top kayaks that do a great job along your guidelines.
Here is my favorite:
This looks like a great combo of a kayak and canoe:
Their SOT is a very dry ride with good speed and little wind problem;very stable:
Isn't this fun? I love boat shopping for other people.
Thanks, Dopey, for clearing it up.
GBG did mention it,but who reads
other people’s posts?
thanks for all the great answers
One of the downsides to canoes
is that you are constantly dragging mud and water into the boat when you get in and out. Most of the SOTs have scupper holes that let that water drain back out and it doesn’t slosh around where you have your gear stowed.
With a SOT kayak and a low angle stroke, you can stay very dry all day long even if you are getting in and out of the boat frequently. The Native boats are worth a look, the Ultimate Series and the Manta Rays are nice fishing boats. You’ll want a 14 footer for your weight range.
Also check out the Mad River Synergy which is a hybrid design (like a SOT kayak, but no scuppers). I got nothing against canoes, but there are definitely other viable options, especially if you can fish without a ton of gear.
Barcalounger or Lazee Boy
Those are unstable in water - and wet.
Frosty,let us know what you decide.
The Superior Expedition
I wrote this review about a new decked canoe by Superior called the Expedition. I don’t think you’ll be able to beat this. I can’t believe there is a dryer paddle craft made.
Other alternatives are the Kruger Sea Wind and the Clipper Sea 1. Here is a review I wrote on the Sea 1
Hoper this helps.