I am new to both Kayaking and this site. I was wondering if anyone out there has any good recomendations for places to Kayak near or somewhat near to my area. I live in the Springfield Massachusetts area. I have found (thanks to this site) and love, the Quabog river.
I am looking to do Kayaking on ponds and rivers (no whitewater), and I own a Pungo 120 Wilderness Systems Kayak.
Thanks in advance for your time.
Quiet Water Guide
How about dozens of places to go . . . buy the Quiet Water Guide to massachusetts by the AMC, found in any large bookstore!
Conn river in Northampton or Northfield, Nashua river starting from the peperill/groton line. Tully lake, thoundsand acre pond, Red Bridge which is the chicopee river. Look at this site http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/dfw_pond.htm there is a whole list of ponds and lakes with maps and put ins.
Barton Cove
Drive north on I91, get off on Route 2 head east and you’ll hit Barton Cove just before crossing the Connecticutt River, of which Barton Cove is connected to. It’s popular spot though for power boaters, fisherman and kayakers.
Otis resevoir
On weekdays - it’s a madhouse of sail and power on the weekends.
Western Mass water
When we lived there I always enjoyed the Connecticut River, and it is better on the weekdays and on the weekends when power boats are numerous. The Quabbin Reservoir is also very nice, but watch the weather as it is big and you can get caught in summer storms. As others have said, go to the library of a good book store as there are several good books.
You should also go to the ocean once in a while. On the Northshore, north of Boston there is a lovely area behind Plum Island which is a bird sanctuary.