I know summer is here when my local club starts doing evening trips. I did one last night on an easy section of flatwater – couple of miles up and back – nice leisurely paddle. Sunset is around 8:00 now, so that gives us enough time to get back before dark. Few pictures here:
I know there’s danger in those clouds, yet there’s something captivating about the view from open water. Long trips seem less far when you have a central seat for the 360° view of a dynamic churning atmosphere. Weather apps are fine to track moving fronts, but clouds telegraph changing conditions that breed local storms. The evolution of storms can be seen hours before a speck shows up on a weather radar app.
It is 12 degrees on Mount Washington NH, snowing on Moosehead Lake, and 40 degrees at my home. Summer got its butt kicked.
Summer can take a kicking and come back breathing fire.
Top of Mount Washington is like a different word. Snow at Moosehead Lake is a bit of a surprise. 31 degrees here this morning, so things have cooled off a bit.
Location, location, location! Frost warnings still issued nightly in northern Michigan.
Summer is “here”?
Here is a lot of different places. And the Rockies in Wyoming is not one of them.
Not yet anyway. got snow on the tops again about 5 days ago. Temps in the 70s some days but some other days it’s still peaking in the 50s. Still below freezing on the tops and the run off is getting a very slow start.
I have mixed feelings because Boysen is super low and I’d love to see it fill up so I can have a better play ground. But I don’t like heat and bugs, so summer is my least favorite season as far as weather goes. I like Spring a lot more then Summer, but my kayaking is far more limited now.
The lake is down 15 feet and that means a lot of the places I usually launch from are too shallow and some are simply muddy flats. With high water I can launch in 8 minutes from the time I leave my door. Now I have to drive 20 minutes to get to water deep enough to have some fun in.
Unfortunately, oh so true.
One year could easily juxtapose record winter snow and cold with intense, prolonged heat and drought.
Yeah, yesterday was super cold. I had a job on the shores of Winnisquam on the little river across from the town boat launch. The wind was insane and the waves in the big part of the lake had to be at least 4 feet. There were 2 to 3 foot rollers coming up the channel. I think yesterday was kind of an anomaly and things will calm down from here on out.
55° , drizzling rain and bursts of strong wind are not typical here but here we are. The AC would normally be on but I’m thinking of switching it to heat.
Did someone shake the snowglobe? We are DYING here…it got to 80!
of course the water begged to differ at 58.
Wanna trade?
With a summer of paddling finally here, today is a good day to pause and think of those who are in the armed services far from home, and especially those who have served and given everything.