Surf skier rescued in Hawaii after 12 hours

News story with a decent amount of details (rare for many new stories) and, thankfully, a happy ending

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Good story! Also, helps to be around and in the water for most of one’s life. Much easier to give up if you don’t have the same comfort level to start off from.


Yes the kid is a waterman. Biggest worry is that his mom would be upset. About ten years ago we visited a ruin on the west coast of the Big Island that had a bay known for being able to watch sharks from some high rocks above the bay. We watched someone cruising on a surf ski, down winding and riding the waves and then turning into the bay. The paddler was really burning it up, surfing in and then paddling through the shallows, going really fast. In the water you could see lots and lots of sharks following the paddler. We walked down the rocky path right when they landed, it was a very skinny 16 year old girl, with one of the biggest smiles you have ever seen. Helps to have hundreds of years of ancestors who lived on the water.