Swallow tailed Kites

One of the highlights for me in oklahoma on the mountain fork was watching mississippi kites diving. Ive enjoyed swallowtails in okefenokee and seen them near the gulf as well. Interesting that swallowtails dont go after fish.

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Weird movie but good soundtrack.

Didnt know that.

That’s why I should read it because everyone thought he was going through a late life crisis, buying a plane, a simulator

He was very a quiet man so nobody ever really knew him or what he was thinking.

He always just toiled away and maybe he fantasized about just taking off and flying away from all his responsibilities.

We’ve seen a couple of Mississippi kites on the Edisto.

I’ve seen Swallowtails flying through heavy brushy tree tops. I would guess to catch lizards or whatever else is hiding there.

Lucky you! This is a barred owl; we sometimes hear them when paddling on the Hillsborough River, upstream from the Morris Bridge boat launch.

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I fly fish downstream of Morris bridge in our two weeks of spring.

A couple of years ago there were five or six really aggressive Barred Owl moochers there.

I tried not to feed them but three times I lifted the fish out of the water to release it and they swooped down and grabbed them. It got to be scary for a while.

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Wow…what a strange experience - and very unusual behavior!

Dang, but what a front seat view!