Has anyone here used it?
I have used System Three conventional epoxy but not the low viscosity clear coat. I acquired an old Bell Black Gold Wildfire that has quite a few spider cracks and the usual scratches in the clear gel coat. It also has a couple of small 'glass patches that were put on with who knows what kind of resin, so I don’t know if polyester gel coat would bind over them.
I am thinking of trying the Clear Coat to touch up the gel coat, then covering it with varnish for UV protection.
It would be nice if it leveled like
a varnish. I rolled West 105/206 onto two decked boat bottoms, next coat before the amine blush rose in the previous coat. The coats bound well, but with no particular tendency to level, the result had an orange peel quality. I smoothed it with a random orbit sander.
Does the System 3 claim to have a UV absorbing additive?
no UV protection
So it would have to be covered with varnish or clear polyurethane.
Here is what System Three says about it:
“Clear Coat is an extremely low viscosity, water white, penetrating” epoxy system. Clear Coat cures to a brilliantly clear, very tough finish without the usual “amine blush” associated with some epoxy resin films. Clear Coat contains no volatile solvents. Clear Coat is ideal for clear coating wood, and the wetting out of fiberglass cloth for bright finished boats. Use as a build coat for clear linear polyurethane or varnish coatings and as a penetrating first coat for blister repair on fiberglass boats. Use also for those applications that require a long pot life and low viscosity. Use Clear Coat as the sole epoxy system to make wood strip canoes and kayaks. Protect Clear Coat from moisture during cure to avoid water spotting."
I was expecting to have to wet sand it before varnishing.