How do you track your tandem straight without a rudder or skeg? Easy to do it solo, but tandem?
paddling techniques
are much the same as solo, with the exception of immediate results. set up your turns earlier, J-stroke, sweeps, pry strokes, etc. I load ours a bit heavy to the rear, not much, so the front swings a little easier, nuetral in fast water. G
paddle on opposite sides
when you paddle at the same time on opposite sides in a tandem the forces that want to tun the canoe counteract each other, at least mostly. The stern paddler is closer to the stern then the bow paddler is to the bow so he/she has more leverage. The effect is that the stern paddler’s turning forces slightly overpowers that of the bow paddler. To correct you can either switch every few strokes or the stern paddler can use a corrective stroke like the j-stroke.
At least this is my interpretation. Any corrections to my physics are appreciated.
Get 2 solos.Or practice a lot.
It’s usually easier with the typical
16-17 foot lake tandem. The stern paddler uses the j-stroke to counteract his own tendency to turn the boat from the stern.
In highly rockered whitewater boats, tracking tandem may be harder than tracking solo, because the hull has only the weakest inclination to run straight, and any deviations in strokes from the bow or stern paddler can cause the boat to wander. However, once the hull is moving smartly, and the paddlers get in a settled rhythm, the boat may behave, somewhat. Takes a lot of practice.
In a comparison between tandem and solo canoes, what makes you think that it easy (or easier!) to make a solo canoe go straight?
yes, tandem is easier …
It is far, far easier to go straight in a tandem as bow and stern paddlers usually paddle on opposite sides, thus counter-acting each paddlers turning moment.
So the question becomes, did you phrase your question correctly? Could you please clarify?
Your spouse can’t join you in a solo.
Easier paddling.
Tandem?? WHY?
send me an email address and I’ll return a tandem priner. Sorry, can’t figuire how to attacg a word doc.
Basically: 1. opposite sides. 2. In cadence. 3. Switch as needed to steer. if a fourth thing can be remembered, stack your hands, the top hand over the shaft6 hand for a vertical shaft that reduced turning force. If a fifth thing can be remembered, start the stroke as far forward as possible, ending it at the knee when kneeling with a straight paddle, at the thigh when sitting with a bent.
There is some truth to it
In a solo, you correct your own strokes. You make judgment on how to correct and how much to correct without the complication from your partner’s strokes. It’s good to know that some find tandems are easier to keep straight. I am shopping for a tandem, so that is encouraging. My question is why canoes don’t have rudder or skeg. The hull of a canoe is nothing special - mostly flat bottom, some with a seam in the center.
>Any corrections to my physics are appreciated.
how about the solo paddler’s leverage than,
why is the solo paddler not going straight?