Tatshenshini Alsek advice anybody?

Lady friend and I are scheming a future trip on the Tatshenshini/ Alsek rivers. Does anybody have any experience or recomendations for outfitters? Does anybody arrange this on their own? Any response appreciated.

Thank You,


The tatshenshini-alsek
I’ve done it with a group of friends (Tat-Alsek, not just Alsek.Alsek is considerably more difficult including turnback canyon,C V). This is

a very common way to do it. Permits are required, and there is a waiting list, but I

don’t know how long it is. It was 2 years when

I did it. It is fairly wet and cool. Also big

pushy water. Not much whitewater after the canyon just down stream from the put in. There is a detailed book on the river (comes with a map), which has all the info you need.

anybody know where to get the book?
Thank you for the response. I assume(?)you are refering to this book: The Complete Guide to the Tatshenshini River: Including the Upper Alsek River (Paperback)

by Russ Lyman, Joe Ordonez, Mike Speaks

It appears to be out of print and unavailable (amazon)

Any ideas where I can get that guidebook for the tatshenshini-alsek?

Thank You,