We’ll see in a week or so. Personally, I would love a “fish storm” with good groundswell. With Labor Day over, it’ll be fun to get good waves without the crowd.
If it does get crowded, I have been eyeing a point break that is not readily accessible with the waveski because of the private property and “McMansions” surrounding that point. With the Sterling Progression, I’m willing to give it a go. Will take about a three mile paddle to get to that point, but it looks ideal for long boat surfing.
Earl was an unwelcome houseguest that overstayed any welcome
10 inches of rain and lots of wind and it lasted several days. as it just sat on the Grand Banks
Seas have been high
I am in Newfoundland
You probably got impacted way more up there than we actually did in New England. We got days of surf and a smattering of raindrops. We could use more rain with the waves (or - dare I say it - or more rain than even waves).
Aiming straight for the Gulf of St Lawrence and Newfoundland
They are paying attention
Hope it misses Ramea though that tiny island of 200 or so folks is wind powered