Tempest 165 vs. 170 for 180lb?

You sure about that?

Not even interested in discussing it?

What do you want a black boat for, anyway?

Who do you think you are?

Darth Flatpick or somethin’?

while the carbon Z will be new to me, I have paddled it some and can attest to it’s cool factor. It’s light and stiff and very fun to paddle, especially empty. it moves quite easily and does have a quicker, lighter feel on the water, compared to the glass and plastic versions. AND it’s quite EZ on the eyes. :sunglasses:

I generally refrain from too much horn blowing here. I’ll try and get some good pics of it in ‘action’ soon!


depends on size of your feet
In my opinion, your weight isn’t as much of an issue as the size of your feet. If you have long feet, you may need the Tempest 170 (http://www.kayakreview.org/go/tempest170/ ) in order to be comfortable. But if you’re comfortable in the 165, then it should work just fine for you.


– Last Updated: Oct-06-10 6:59 AM EST –

Feet are a problem. The T165 is almost like a snug greenland fit for me. Can't have any shoes in it. I felt reasonably comfortable for the hour or so of active paddling I did in it, but could not 100% assess it from that prospective, since the model I paddled did not have the seat/footpegs adjustable to my size so I had some extra strain due to that. With the seat/footpegs placed where they need to be for me, I think I would be even more comfortable.

There is a definite difference in the seating position b/w the T165 and the Z160 that I paddled. The thighter/lower fit of the T165 was something somewhat new to me - all my other boats so far are considerably higher in the knee area (though not wider). The T, due to the lower leg/knee position is controlled with more hip movement without much rasing of the knees - there isn't that much room to straighten/bend the legs in the knees. In the Z the fit is more like in my WW kayak where my legs are more splayed and the knees higher - there is more room to move about.

Btw that link you posted just redirects to REI - not very useful, except probably for the site owner who gets some extra clicks from us hoping to get a review or something...

Darth Wader (nm)