I’ve paddled all over the country in sea kayaks but never thought about the Tennessee River until last week when I was dropping my oldest daughter off at school, she goes to Baylor in Chattanooga and when I was toting the luggage into her dorm room I couldnt help but notice that it is on water–the TN River…so has anyone here at paddling.net sea kayaked this river?
If so tell where to go from Chattanooga north to the Bristol area.
Thanks ahead.
get ahold of architect X
I think He paddles there all the time.
So they let girls into Baylor now? they didn't in my day. I'm from Chattanooga myself but live near Boston now. I'm sure that she will get a great education there, it's a great school.
'fraid to say it but I went to Mccallie. (Their arch rival)
You might want to retitle your post "Paddling in chattanooga". Just use the edit button; wipe out your post and my post and do it again with that title. That will get all the attention of folks nearby.
You might be able to put in right there at the big park on the north side of the river near the carousel. Check with rock creek outfitters.
I wish boston had the respect for the waterfront that Chattanooga has. Great Park system.
thanks Peter_k
I’ll leave the title as is, you’ve already told me much…
just with here there I will be down that way several times/year and will of course want to play a bit while there…
This past summer all of us worked on the Big Dig on the Cumberland Trail (a national scenic trail under the guise of the Tennessee State Park System that runs from Signal Mtn. to Cumberland Gap National Historic Park when completed)…so we’ve got trail work and hiking covered but am thinking of why not paddle in the Chattanooga area…
we did notice a lot of barges in that area, in my mind barges and sea kayaks dont mix well
Chattanooga area
I agree, Rock Creek Outfitters would be a good place for information. Their canoe/kayak shop is “down under” Walnut Street Bridge at Coolidge Park. There’s also a (steep)launch site at the park.
The Ross’Landing area on the opposite bank has been under construction. I’m going up this weekend so I’ll try to stop by there to see how that’s going.
Yes, there is barge traffic on the Tennessee River with several river terminals in the downtown area. If you are outside the main channel the pleasure boats are more of a problem than barges. Upriver from Walnut Street Bridge is the usual practice site for area rowing clubs.
Chickamauga Lake, above the dam, has some out of the way areas. Again, watch for the pleasure craft. Try the coves and areas near Chester Frost County Park and Harrison Bay or Booker T. Washington State Parks.
(For PeterK…Happy 100th anniversary of McCallie this year!)
Do a search for architect in the
authors field; find a post of his, use the e-mail button; and and send him an e-mail. perhaps Phil C would help as well.
Chattanooga Paddlin’
I do a lot of paddling in the Chattanooga area myself. I spend a lot of time paddling Chickamauga Lake, Watts Bar Lake, and the lower part of the Hiwassee River which flows into Chickamauga Lake. It is best to stay off of Chickamauga on the weekends and head to Watts Bar. While there is still some traffic on Watts Bar it is far safer, and more relaxing than Chickamauga on a weekend. The lower end of Hiwassee River which flows into Chickamauga Lake is very nice. You can leave from Blythe Ferry and paddle around the refuge. You can put in just off of Highway 58 and paddle north towards Ledford Island or south towards Blythe Ferry. A super nice trip is from the tailwaters of Watts Bar Dam south to Harrison Bay. You will have to make camp over a couple of nights or one night according to your abilities. This is a great winter time trip so you can camp on the shoreline along the way. As you can tell there are many possibilites awaiting.
a sincere thanks to all
so much info and I appreciate all given…we are off to Utah next week for 20 days of hiking and some paddling on Lake Powell, when we return I will visit my daughter/check up on the investment and yank her away from Baylor for a day of paddling in this area…thanks again!