Thanksgiving turkey or not?

I Had pizza! Exotic foreign food in mexico. I like tacos, qusadillas, tostadas but every few days I need a break! I see plenty of turkeys here in the mountains.

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I like both white and dark meat—with crisp skin also—and am leery when I see a menu listing that says “roast turkey”, because often it is just turkey breast.

BTW, pork loin can also have darker portions in it. They, too, are moister, though not such a big contrast as with turkey. I made pork “spears” a few days ago, which are basically pork loins that the butcher cut longitudinally. I then cut each spear in half to make them even more spear-y, coated in EVOO, and browned before adding minced garlic, fresh ground pepper, salt, and crushed rosemary.

I admit, I have missed the dark meat when I have chosen to make just the turkey breast. Next year I may pick up a turkey leg or two from the butcher just to have some of that to carve (though the sinews and gristle always turn me off in bird legs). I’ve always liked slightly gamey meat – cold roasted pheasant is, to me, one of the tastiest carnivore treats.

Maple-chili :hot_pepper: glazed free range turkey that the butcher ordered for us from down the road.
We love turkey so we make 6 or so dinners to freeze for dark winter nights when you get home late or come in from out of town.

The other thing I made this year was Matcha Lime Pie because I like the green color the powder gives the filling.

We ate one piece and gave the rest to our neighbors to avoid eating it all.

We boil the carcass and make turkey soup to freeze. We make little dough dumpling balls for the soup and freeze those too. I put rice, herbs, and carrots in it.