Perhaps, but “pirogues” (pee-rows) would be more Cajun
The Cajun Navy knows no bounds son. Check out a rescue mission, there is more power there then a Swift Boat Battalion.
I would not want to be behind that on a highway. But I’ve seen worse looking loads leaving the Confluence plant down the road from me.
You should have seen it with 8 kayaks up there and one guy in the cockpit of the top middle kayak because thete was not anymore room in the truck….Don’t worry, we gave him a Mason Jar, snacks and drink and a pair of goggles because when we roll we don’t stop. All of his Cheeseballs did blow away however when he opened the container.
Edit: Nobody tell @MohaveFlyer , she will have a baby.
No straps, just 3/8” Paracord and a knot clinic, because that is the way the Cajun Navy rolls.
Hope it never comes to a sudden stop.
You have to avoid things that are sudden, you know that. That is why there is a “ Cow Catcher” on the front and its name is just what it implies, you plow right through it. You don’t let anything slow you down. That is the Cajun Navy way.
Looks like you have room to jam a few Greenland paddles in there. I’m sure the Cajun Navy knows they are tools not antiquities.
The Inuit showed the Cajuns the Greenland Paddle right before the Canadiens kicked them out.