What really is reality even in science it is often a moving target. We are talking about a reality that implies the end of the human race if not corrected. That you would think would catch the attention of the majority of the population of the world pretty fast. If I’m convinced that @castoff is correct and the true reality is that “we are rapidly deconstructing the web of life” and we have had the science known to us for 26 years, and the media hasn’t been buzzing non stop for at least the last 20 years on this subject. Why isn’t Al Gore or Greta talking about phytoplankton if “you can’t get back the time frame that has meaning for mankind”.
There are other realities when we talk about the end of humanity that are not based in any of the common fields of science, but rather in the science of economics. Or even political science. My parents spent their young adulthood during the great depression and watched much of the humanity surrounding them end because of poor social science. The world and the country then had nowhere near the pressure of population it has today and the people caught in it were way more self-sufficient than the people today.
In my mind if the phytoplankton problem is 10,000 years away till it kills us all and the rising seas are 5,000 years away until they kill us all, then maybe we shouldn’t kill us all in 20 years by shutting down the world by making a rapid correction that may kill us with the solution to the problem.
The folks in Sri Lanka as I mentioned before had a super great idea to do their part. They didn’t go all in just one little change of stopping the use of chemical fertilizer made from evil fossil fuels. In just a year they almost killed off their humanity with crop failures. They went from a place of being an exporter of food to Thank God an importer. The resulting tail spin economically spread into every facet of their existence. Picture that happening to say North America.
I roll all this into my processing of the “science” and organizations like the UN telling the world this has to happen now.
Then I like others here don’t disregard the argument by the counter scientist and I’m not talking Joe Rogan. But rather past members of the IPCC and other well accredited climate scientists saying wait a minute we did not say that. I have posted links and videos before of their takes, but there is a cancel culture that doesn’t debate them but labels them as aluminum foil hat wearers. None of them are climate deniers that I have seen, but paint a far different picture of the problem and solution. They always find something in their past like they once worked on a project that had a grant from an oil company or something and that’s proof their science is distorted science.
In my mind and I have tried to find “Reality” over this issue and have concluded if this is truly an issue that as I’m told will be the end of mankind, it should easily boil down to black or white and I have yet to see it.
It gets confusing when Greta misquotes a scientist in 2018 and warns the end of humanity will come if fossil fuels are not stopped in the next five years. Of course she didn’t say humanity will end in five years nor did the scientist she said she quoted and 2023 rolled around and nothing happened except she made the tweet vanish after someone pointed it out he was still alive. The problem is a whole large group of young people had depression over these kind of issues and felt like why try. People on the fringe of these issues are for some reason pushing a desperation about this and the population or about half the population is feeling the rhetoric to be the science.
Again for anyone reading if we change nothing and keep doing what we are doing now with energy, tell me within a span of say 100 years when will the first person will die from the CO2 phytoplankton problem? Can you also tell me or take a guess even within 100 years when will the CO2 phytoplankton problem will wipe out humanity?
In a 66 year time span we went from the first powered air flight to landing on the moon and returning back to earth. That’s easily one life span could have seen both events. That era was powered by fossil fuel that made both events happen. If we are talking the next 100 years and that technology is not at all linear over the span of mankind, I have to say I have faith we can figure it out. That is if we don’t get stupid and put ourselves back to 1903. We might have produced more CO2 than other countries in the last 100 years, but look at what we have given the rest of the world.