The perfect kayak? ever so close

Cetus - LV Cetus
Just Returned from the Symposuim down At Sweetwater in FL - what a fantastic weekend!

We had the prototype Cetus down there - and it was great to get it out on the water - and in a few paddler’s hands as well…

We are planning to start shipping the cetus by mid march - and the LV Cetus is underway as well - however - i don’t expect to see that until late April/May. Check out later this week at - and hope to have some more info on the Cetus as well as the New Capella 167.

The cockpit is a bit longer to get you knees in and out - and we’ll have final specs on that posted - but definitely need to see one/paddle one first to find if its the boat for you.

Hope to fly one of the finished boats to the Canoecopia show in Madison - weekend of march 10 as well.

Jim @ P&H

Asheville, NC

Build Your Ideal (Baidarka Like) SOF

– Last Updated: Feb-27-07 7:17 AM EST –

since you're more into rounded (faster) hulls. Then be willing to take it out of commission for a bit. Cover it with plastic wrap and use it as a "plug" to glass over. Your layup can be as light and heavy as you want. Go simple or go with 4,5,6 seven hatches if you feel that's how you like to carry gear... ;)

Yes. You'll need to move to another place with a garage or basement before even thinking about that kind of project.


Already have that one
My SOF is already quite baidarka like below water.

A glass version, a little shorter, chines softened, with small under-stern rudder with tiller or gas pedals (just cant milk the waves and wakes fully without) - and it’s about there. A bit of a Greenland/Surf Ski hybrid really.

SOF as plug would work - but not for me. Not precise enough. Wood (or foam) strip proto will be in the works if/when I have space/time.

Thomasson designs kayaks
i’ve never heard of these, wow, what gorgeous kayaks. i wish they were mass produced and readily avialable…

The Njord…
… could replace my QCC and SOF. Can’t see it not doing what they can and more (except I would miss all the looks and comments on the SOF).

It’s #1 on my list - if I get over this crazy idea to both design and build. Might also do one as a first stripper project before getting creative/stupid. Any of that is a while off.

its the fourth hatch
to answer the question posted as to why the Cetus…

My first encounter with the 4th hatch was when paddling in NZ–many kayaks down under have this feature…it just makes sense-ever try getting into the typical brit day hatch when conditions are sucking? but with the 4th hatch you have instant access to radio/flare/snack/sunscreen/etc.

I liked it so much I researched yaks in the US with this feature then drove to Brick, NJ to pick up a Lincoln Eggemoggin.

So why is the Eggemoggin not on the topish list? It has a modified ocean cockpit-not good for my knees or my paddling environ, and sad to say that the year vintage of my Egg lack a wee bit in fit and finish (but other than that it is a killer design).

After the Egg I found myself in the QCC a lot, wasnt long until I had cut a hole in the deck, glassed in a knee tube under it.

Soon I’ll be experimenting with a Mirage 580, if I like the rudder system then it will probably get a knee tube but it has a big strike against it from the beginning—the small vcp hatch up front…I dealt with one of those for a 1000 miles of paddling in a Jubilee-its best avoided!

Of course what the ultimate kayak for me wont be for you and 99% of it is where you paddle. For me the greatest joy is going out for 5-7 days and living out of the kayak as you explore a new area-be that the Everglades, Voyageurs, Land Between the Lakes, the horthern shore line of Lake Superior, etc. And large kayaks capable of carrying lost of gear suit this type of activity.