Funny with my Go Pro hero 5 image stabilazatiion when you watch a video it’s makes the boat deck stay perfectly steady side to side everything else moves in the picture. It ruins the movie as you would think the kayak is a aircraft carrier in two foot waves. Have to see if I can disable it.
Perhaps but if the kayak motion is jerky, rapid, wallowy, or otherwise nauseating it might not be pleasure able to watch.
@PaddleDog52 said:
Funny with my Go Pro hero 5 image stabilazatiion when you watch a video it’s makes the boat deck stay perfectly steady side to side everything else moves in the picture. It ruins the movie as you would think the kayak is a aircraft carrier in two foot waves. Have to see if I can disable it.
I’m thinking an aircraft carrier in 2’ waves would be pretty darn still in the water. If, however, you’re talking about a proportional comparison I can picture the problem. Maybe you can post a link to the video in question as well, if it won’t cause too much nausea upon viewing.
Is the camera deck or helmet mounted? It it’s mounted to the deck, it’s unsurprising that the deck would be stable compared to the rest of the frame. If mounted on your helmet, or other headwear, there should be a natural “gimbal” effect at play (thanks to your neck) and the video frame should look much more natural. There’s only so much you can expect from software image stabilization.
I’ve never taken video from my kayak though, so this is all speculation. A physical gimbal mount might also be the ticket.
I’d try various mounting combinations in different conditions and see what you like the best. Watching other videos where you can clearly tell where the camera is mounted might help too.
he peaked deck of the Solstice does not move the scenery rocks side to side. I can turn it off I found out. With it on it gives no sensation of what being in the kayak is like. I’ll post a video later on youtube.