This is an exchange from Darryl Bradley who was the Development Chemist at Granger at the time, on how to select the best DWR product for what you want to do, the high recommendation of using a technical wash and the proper way to use the Technical Wash and the DWR Treatment.
On another note, According to Benjamin Parrot, Quality Assurance and Development Technician at Granger, they do not recommend using Granger “Repel” DWR Treatment after one year. Companies are notoriously conservative with these use dates, but that is what he said. He said it could stain a garment. The best used by date is printed on the bottle but it is next to impossible to find. You will have to shine a flashlight on the bottle to try and find it. He said if it has orange specs in it or has an off odor, it is definitely bad.
Even the most expensive outerwear has to have its DWR renewed periodically. Some of that gear is worth hundreds and hundreds of dollars. This is the proper way to wash and restore the DWR with what many consider to be the best brand in the world, by the chemist who helped develop Grangers’ formulas. It would pay to do it right. For some reason these instructions do not appear on the bottle or on their website, why, I do not know. That is why this is being posted.
Yeah, really.