Thread for repairing dry suit

-- Last Updated: Nov-20-07 10:56 PM EST --

The thread is starting to unravel on a seam on the over-skirt on my Kokatat GMER. Being on the overskirt, exterior to the main dry suit, the seam is not required to be waterproof. I'm wondering what thread would be best for repair.

Probably heavy weight nylon thread is good, since Gore-Tex is a nylon product. I already have heavy weight 100% spun polyester, though.


I will email Kokatat too and reply here if I get an answer. My wife wants to sew it tomorrow, so may not wait for Kokatat.


Glide dental floss
is made of Gore Tex. A guy at a local EMS told me dental floss works great for repairs. I have yet to try it personally, so let us know how it works if you use it.

Silk button hole thread
Not sure if the stuff is still around, I used it to sew up 1" tubular webbing for an outside use dog tie-out. It was left outside for 14 years, dog died 12 years ago and I have used the same one for a hammock tie-out since. Seems to be bomber stuff?

this thread is beginning to unravel

that about sews it up :slight_smile: NM

you guys got me in stitches

On the button
Silk thread it is. That is if I ever have to re-repair it. My wife already used the polyester.

Thanks for the puns, too, on a subject that I won’t be ashamed of in the morning.
