Trip Logging in app

New here. I didn’t see anything in the forum about trip logging. Does the go paddling app log your paddling trips?

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If you mean will the app log your trip like a GPS? No

If you mean can you create a trip report (manually) in the app? Yes

My 2 cents:
I like trip reports loaded to the app because they are easy to find by location of interest. Some people put trip reports in the forums, which are interesting to read but harder to find at a later time (by location).

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An ‘app’ is only as good as the data that goes into it.
Therefore, start NOW logging all pertinant data points that you may be interested in over time. Put the data in anything most handy to you (notepad, excel, paper). You can then get any app, then plug your data in.
(I’ve kind of made my own using the MS toys, Access for data, Power BI for data visualization (charts, etc) ).

log (for example): location, start/stop time, distance, weather (wind dir & speed, temp, other), tides, equipment (kayak, paddle)
(a gps will take care of some of this)

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I do it the old fashion way.

About the only metric that I keep track of religiously is gage hight - being a river paddler that is the most important thing to know. As I move into salt water I am trying to keep track of wind, waves and tides. I have never kept track of milage - in whitewater you could spend an hour in a single rapid, so milage doesn’t really tell you much. On sea kayak trips, I’ll probably do better at tracking milage.

I don’t publicize it, but it is on the internet, so it does show up on search results. Every once in a while I’ll see an unexplained spike, so someone must have linked to it.

If people get some benefit from it that is fine. Mostly I do it for myself. It’s nice to look back.

If you want an app that will log your trips. there are several. I use Adidas running (formerly Runtastic) and many people use Strava. I know there are other apps as well. They can be used for other sports than running.