So today I tried to get out for the first time since November . An immediate fail, for 50 pesos ($3) I rented a short lifetime sit on top, a PFD, and a paddle. I took me two tries to get through the shore break, fell off the first time. As I made it through the shore break I quickly realized after going through two small waves that the entire front of the boat along with my legs were submarining under the waterline. I just turned the boat around and dragged myself and the boat back up the beach. At least it was a pretty spot to fail. Pacific coast Chiapas mexico
Okay, what is the back story. Why haven’t you been out since November, you are usually pretty active. You have been putting together your brother’s lawn furniture again?
The boat submarined because I weigh 215 and it was suitable for a child or small female. The drain plug was in the back and missing. I’m very much a try it and see what happens kind of person when there is a quick exit. In this case a very light shore break and lack of swimmers made this worth trying.
The back story is really simple, we had a lot of really cold and snowy weather in Dec and Jan this year. Usually we get some warm spells but this year was different. Instead of heading south in Dec. And Jan. I stayed home to let the budget recover so I could travel with family for most of Feb. And all of March in Guatemala and Mexico.
Also I’m spending more time with girlfriend, my daughter had my first grandbaby, also didn’t like the pollution around panachel Guatemala so I didn’t paddle there but had expected to do so . I had Spanish classes in the morning, wind on lake atitlan picks up in the afternoon. The one thing about paddling 90 + days a year is I don’t usually feel the need to force it. The exception was the Chama last year because I had a permit to do it for a set time and I was hurt . Lots of factors this year but I figure to get back to it in april, heading to Nevada to do the Truckee and east Carson rivers with an old video boatin’ buddy. Still waiting for tribal permission to go all the way to pyramid lake from Tahoe.We will go as far as we are allowed to go. Catching a few streams on the way out. Hurrying back to help with a paddling event in WV. That’s my story for now. Dont worry about me, WV has legal farm bill flower now (thca), I got 5000 albums on the music server, and a bird feeder to keep me entertained when stuck inside by snow and cold!
As you know/prove, having skills and knowledge can make up some for inappropriate (or crappy) equipment. Since no one else at the break, It’s cool for schitts and giggles. No harm, no foul.
I shudder, however, when I remember some of the cluesless I have seen taking themselves and surrounding swimmers out when their capsized open cockpit rec boats become “submerged logs” in the surf zone of crowded breaks.
Congrats on your first grandbaby! My three granddaughters are down at Cape Cod. I have so much fun with them that I don’t think of the surf that I might be missing. LOL.