trying to choose..????


I’ve been solo canoeing in an Old Town Guide for a fews years now. Now I’m trying to get into kayaking.

I’ve done tons of research and now I have it down to either a heritage featherlite 12 or a heritage fisherman pro 14.

I’m 5’9 125 and I know the most of the kayak strokes. My main delima is how hot it would be in a SINK as opposed to a SOK. Also, I can get them both for the same price at Academy.

jJust wondering if anyone has expeience with either of these??

Thanks abunch!

Where will you be kayaking?
What type of waters will you be kayaking on? SOT are best not used in open ocean (I’m sure there are people that will do this, but I wouldn’t recommend it, especially in cold waters).

moastly flat warm waters and swamps

warm water kayaks
A large cockpit SINK and a SOT are about the same and what you want for warm locations. Get one of each!