Trying to reach Pat Cannon

Hi, my name is Bernd Schneider, I’ve paddled with Pat in the past many times. He’ll remember my dad Tom Schneider as he paddled with him many times and raced with him too. My dad sadly passed away in March, and he wanted Pat to have something. Pat if you see this, please reach out to me.

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Bernd - I’m sorry to hear. We paddled together just last Sept on the DuluthMoose Memorial paddle at Sylvania. He seemed well then… his same old self. It was good to see him after so many years.
BTW - folks here may remember him as Durangoski.
Probably best to message me through the board’s PM arrangement.

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Sorry for your loss, and for those PNetters who knew/paddled with him.



Thank you, sing.
He was for many years regular on both the Wisconsin River and Ozark Pnet paddles and was well known by all who attended those. When he retired after a career as head of the maintenance dept at a large paper mill, his paddling dropped off and he spent most of his time designing and building bridges and boardwalks for the Ice Age Trail.
His energy was boundless as was his inclination to fix or build anything. (TheBob used to say he had the energy of a ferret. :slightly_smiling_face:) He sometimes trailered two sea kayaks behind a Gold Wing. He built a shower into his utility trailer; Solo paddled the entire 450 mi of the Wisconsin river. He was a skier of the sort who took helicopter lifts up mountains in the Rockies to ski down with Bernd. And when he told a story, he lost himself in it - he relived it right before your eyes.
He was one of a kind and it was a good kind.


Thanks for sharing that wonderful testimony of the full life of a friend and paddling partner!
