Unable to ship due to tariffs & restrictions

I picked up a used kayak for my wife, and also have a Valley kayak that the hatch covers are starting to look ready to go. So I ordered the available Kajaksport soft rubber covers from topkayaker.com. These from topkayaker are shipping. This is fine. I then found the rest I needed on another site from Canada and placed that order with them. This morning I got this message.
“Please accept our sincerest apologies, but we are currently unable to ship the product you ordered. Due to ongoing tariffs and restrictions, we cannot ship this item across the border at this time. We will process your refund for you immediately.”

Perhaps the silicone (rather than rubber) hatches from Kayak Ways may fit…?



Some things come back to bite us. I expect we will see many repercussions from this coming down the pike. Sorry about the unavailability. Hope you can find a substitute.


Hmmm… I wonder how this will affect Esquif, Swift, and NovaCraft sales here. Its just a few days to Canoecopia. Guess there will be something to be learned about this there.


I think it will affect Swift, but he is a very high end, specialty manufacturer, Delta is more of a volume manufacturer, I think it will have more of an affect on them. I know of one dealer who rushed his order from Delta and had to leave out some boats, to make sure he got under the Tariffs, Yak-Works in North Carolina.


Maybe when shipping without the benefit of either the free trade agreement or the de minimus clause, the business would need to hire a customs broker. I’m guessing if this is the case the cost would be prohibitive - especially for small businesses (I’m sure corporate giants will already have it figured out). Hopefully the local paddling shops on both sides of the border can weather this uncertainty.


Please explain the role of a free trade agreement and “ de minimus” clause in all of this.

I’m no expert, but I’ll give it a try:

The free trade agreement is as it sounds - no tariffs or restrictions on most goods made in North American. I’ve taken canoes over the border several times and paid only applicable sales tax. The de minimis clause meant that shipments to the USA of less than $800 weren’t assessed for duty or taxes (I believe in an attempt to streamline the process on lower-value shipments).

I’ve looked through the list of reciprocal tariffs that Canada announced, and I don’t see any canoes/kayaks on it, so Canadians could import boats from the USA tariff free . . . we probably won’t, because we’re pretty annoyed by several recent actions of the US government, but we could.


So the absence of a free trade agreement and thede minimus clause drastically complicates trade because of the myriad of clauses, duties, taxes, tariffs creating the need for s compliance officer. But NAFTA was extremely destructive for America, not so much from Canada, but from Mexico where labor costs and environmental regulation are vastly different then the United States. Then you had China taking advantage of it by shipping massive amounts of raw goods or partially assembled products into Mexico then shipping them into the United States duty free. It destroyed manufacturing in the United States. That is middle class stuff, the only people with a heart in society.

Edit: I do not know how true this is or have verified this, but according to statements released by the White House, this is what they said justifying Tariffs on Canada. Why did they make such statements, what is the reason?

As for Canada , it has been warned repeatedly about the free flow of Fetynal across the border and drug labs bring set up in provinces. This is no joke, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of deaths…What a mess.

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Hard to know what is trolling, what is disinformation, and what is just a different perspective. In brief, though, 0.2% (about 45lbs last year) of fentanyl entering the USA was from Canada. Canada spent over a billion dollars (including staff, and blackhawk helicopters) to reduce that further, but it seems fentanyl was a red-herring justification for tariffs that were going to happen anyway. The illegal guns and drugs that flow north into Canada are also substantial.

Trump renegotiated NAFTA and considered it a great success: Remarks by President Trump on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement – The White House

If the USA didn’t buy so much crude oil, the trade surplus would be in the USA’s favour. The raw materials that the USA buys from Canada and then processes into value-added products contribute to both economies. The economies have been integrated for a hundred years based on mutual trust - we build things together. If isolationism/protectionism is the direction we are going, it will be worse for both - and worse still if it is to be undone suddenly rather than gradually.

Finally, while the tariffs seem unreasonable and irksome, the reason so many Canadians are bothered is not just tariffs. Trump continues to insult our country and make “jokes” about absorbing it as the 51st state - much like Russia wants to absorb Ukraine, so we don’t find it funny at all.


Really pressed for time right now,will get back to you later.

As i told @mr_canoehead , pressed right now, have a lot to do, will try later.

He’s pressed for time with the pedal to the metal, eastbound. Watch out for them smokeys.

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You startin to bother me “Post & Dump.”

FYI, the US/Canada cross-border Fentanyl figures provided by US Customs do not support the current Administrations accusations. The drug trafficing (and guns) from USA into Canada is hugely greater than the other way.


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Take the political comments private please.



Under those agreements/rules tariffs/duty were not required - I would assume that meant streamlined cross-border commerce?

I am not that familiar with this. Okay, there was the original NAFTA that everyone said drastically hurt United States manufacturing for various reasons. Trump renegotiated NAFTA and was happy with it from what I understand. Now historic Tariffs are imposed. What happened to NAFTA II that should have prevented Tariffs from being imposed?

If all of that is true, why did Trump impose historic Tariffs and without warning?