Upgrading to Nigel Dennis Explorer

NDK Bankruptcy Filing Rumor
Where’s your proof Brian? I think it’s irresponsible to post something like that without backing it up. Just another rumor until I see or hear otherwise.

trying to stay on point…
you have asked an appropriate question.

the boat is marvelous…it isn’t a concern.

a few words of caution - remember, there is no “magic” boat, no “magic” paddle, etc and imho this and most trips on the sea under the changing and potentially life threatening variables we all may encounter, it’s training, judgement and skills that set apart folks who come back to shore from those who don’t (or at least don’t without help) now a lot of those skills, judgement and training will steer you into one boat or another but still, it’s those core skills and experience that puts you into a boat and out in conditions. you can’t buy it, you can’t read it - you gotta do it.

just be careful and weigh what you are doing carefully and don’t vest any wizard like abilities into gear. sometimes we get caught up in the gear but really it’s the ass in the seat.

remember that even if you bought a formula 1 car, that don’t make you a race car driver - it makes you a guy with a fast car…and most likely not able to drive it too well and certainly you have increased the potential for utter destruction (hell,we ALL want to go 200 MPH just once…) same thing with the boat…learn, practice, get the skills and experience and then proceed with caution.

anyways, yeah, the boat is sweet.

my 2 cents.

NDK filing
A local kayak dealer who has frequent contact with ND told me 6-7 weeks ago much the same information as Brian has reported. The important part was that NDK was still in business. The dealer is a friend and a pretty savvy guy. I have no reason to mistrust him.


NDK Filing
Thanks Carl.