Upper Peninsula

Looking for LONG rivers without a lot of portage for two in a canoe, late August.

Should we bring fire arms? Or bear spray and a few fire crackers?

You’re dead. There aren’t any rivers
that meet your criteria. And in August, what water do you expect?

I suggest that you plan for short trips on lakes or sections of river that are “pooled” and have water.

More helpful maybe
I’m afraid you may be out of luck with the U. P. in August. Most rivers there are too low for enjoyable paddling. You may want to check out the rivers in the NW corner of Lower Michigan like the Pine and Manistee.

There are a couple nice wilderness areas consisting of lakes with portages; Sylvania and Big Island Lake. The portages there are fairly easy and short.

Hope I was helpful.

Wow, surprised
Gander Mountain and other outfitters never mentioned the rivers being too low.

Disappointing to hear.

I’m alive.
er um, thanks

The Manistique is beautiful and lake-fed. I’ve done it several times. The Two-Hearted River is also navigable, but a burn went through there and ruined the only outfitter around, making the shuttle difficult. The Manistique and Germfask are where I always begin a U.P. trip. Sylvania can be awesome too, if not overrun.

u.p. rivers
There is a 1 or 2 day trip you can do just north of crystal falls. Take net river to the paint river down to boat launch, ericksons landing just before hwy 141.You normally can do all summer long, but they are working on the dam in town this summer and are dropping the river 20 ft.

If you are going soon you will be fine.

The water level west of hwy. 141 is not real bad yet, its still a little higher than last year in drought. We went last year towards the end of august during drought and only one of us got hung up a couple times, and that might be because he is330 lbs. And loaded with gear and beer.

If more intrested just write back.


You can run around 35 miles of the Manistique from 10 curves road to Mead Creek Campground is around 18 miles, and then continue to Cookston Bridge for day two with another 18 miles paddled.

The Indian is a nice choice, You can paddle from Widewaters campground in the Hiawatha to Kitchi-ita-kipi State Park over a couple days. The portion above Straits Lake is pretty intimate, but it picks up volume below there. We did it with overnight gear in solo canoes. The only problem is figuring out what is private and public land. But we had no problems finding nice campsites along the river.


Where to start on Paint?
Where would we start on the Paint if we want to take it down into the Brule, and I suppose end in Iron Mountain, or before?

Thanks for your help Jimmy