Looking for 2 more paddlers for a guided 12-day expedition on the Upper Stikine River in northern British Columbia, Canada.
“Spend 12 exciting days exploring the remote and beautiful Upper Stikine River as it begins its rapid descent from the high alpine lakes of the Spatsizi Wilderness Plateau, winds through endless wilderness with 5 distinct river characteristics, and complete the journey just before it plunges in to Canada’s grand canyon of the Stikine. A **300 km **river expedition of class 1-3 whitewater will surprise and delight beginner-intermediate canoeists who are looking for a chance to experience BC’s true rugged beauty.
This guided expedition comes with a FREE 2-day whitewater canoeing course at Elements Adventure Co.’s paddling school on the Shuswap River near Vernon, BC.” https://www.elementsadventures.com/canoe-trips/upper-stikine-river/