Looking to canoe Trinity River, TX from Lake Ray Roberts dam to FM 428. Has anyone made this trip lately with the high water?
That looks like a pretty short trip. Driving from Amarillo it would be nice to anticipate a few more days on the river. Is thr Trinity run able below the Hwy?
I have run the Trinity from Lake Livingston to Hwy 10, but never the upper portions. Are there possibilities for an extended trip in your area?
It’s still at 14ft, way too high. the parking area at 428 is likely under water. When it gets down to normal, you can put in at 428 and go downstream as far as the huge log jam above 380 and turn around and paddle back for a trip of about 6 miles or upstream almost to 455 depending on current for a couple of miles.
If you are up in this neck of the woods and want a nice place to go while the water is high, go over to Trophy Club Park and paddle up Denton Creek. We went on the 5th went 3 miles up and turned around. Others went up 5 miles and said they could have gone farther.
The Trinity River Paddle Trail Paddling Trail | Trinity Coalition | Elevating the value of the Trinity River & its parks and forests in Texas offers 130 miles of paddling on the West and Elm Forks.