Useless foam?

Yesterday I was playing in some rocks and had this experience: Two large rocks were separated by a 20 ft wide gap. A swell was hitting the outside of one rock, wrapping around that rock and then coming back together in a violent smash in the middle of the gap. My plan was to ride one half of the swell through the gap. When I got to the middle, the two waves smashed together directly under me- excellent! My boat became unstable and I started to fall over to the left. I quickly lowered my left paddle blade into a low-brace which should have been fine, but when the blade hit the “water” (white, aerated foam) it seemed to get no support. Needless to say I went right over. Anyone else experience anything like that or am I missing something? Thanks.

Go for the green
White aerated foam is just that. You want to find or sink down until the water is green, or blue or whatever the solid stuff is colored in your area.

Foam is - well, foam
It’s bubbles. Much lower density then water. Nothing to push against.

It was a paddleshark.

I bet you were using a GP
The Greenland paddling enthusiasts won’t admit the shortcoming of their ‘stick’ in foam. The wiser among us know that when paddling in foam, you need a Werner ‘foam-core’ paddle. Everyone knows opposites attract and like repels like, so the foam core blades work like a charm.

Some people even put a coat of wax on their blade. The wax is believed to REPEL water, sending it FLYING in the other direction; thereby, giving you TURBO THRUST to power your way forward.

Myself, I use a WING paddle. As it’s name implies, you don’t even need to put it in the water. You just swing it briskly in the air and watch the looks of amazement on people’s faces. (I was turned onto this technique by a certain guy, whom I’ll call “P140”).

The best way to be prepared for ANY situation you find yourself in is to electrical-tape together a foam-core, wing, and GP (for clubbing aggressive Seals/Peregrines/Moths). This ‘full quiver’ of paddling equipment will ensure safe passage in your future adventures.

Just my $.02

Sorry to say it was an Ikelos.

Uh-huh…I see
You must have one of the “heavy foam” models. Obviously what you experienced was light foam… which only confirms you should ALWAYS carry a wing paddle.

Try reading my post again.

Do they have a
gas filled model or are they all filled with the brown matter you call foam? (*_~)

This happens all the time in whitewater. Bracing into the aerated foam of a hole doesn’t work. This is also why trying to roll up in a hole can be difficult as well.

If you are following a course that is going to cause you to skirt the edge of a hole, throw your body weight to the wave or jet that is on the opposite side.

Aerated water roll…
…angle your paddle blade 45% downward, so as to make it dive. When it finds green water you will feel the purchase…then roll up.

Useful info: bubbly water . . .
When you add enough bubbles to water, floating objects begin to lose their boyancy.

One of the theories on disappearances of ships in the Bermuda Triangle has to do with the idea of large mass releases of methane that is trapped in the ocean floor. Minor seismic activity possibly shakes loose this gas and it rises to the surface where the unfortunate ship is passing. When boyancy is reduced suddenly in the gassy water, the ship suddenly swamps and sinks.

This is hypothetical at this point, but the concept has been supported using model ships in laboratory environments.

I imagine it would really ruin your day encountering this situation in a kayak . . . come to think of it, you wouldn’t know whether to stink or swim.

you guys/gals got me good…gave my laptop a little bath of Chateau Chevalier Cabernet.