Valley Nordkapp vs. NDK Greenlander Pro?


Just wanted to see if anyone had opinions about the Nordkapp vs. the Greenlander Pro.

I have paddled both fairly extensively and really like them both, but am undecided.

Of course they are seemingly different in many ways: hard chine vs. soft, lots of rocker versus little, much different stability profiles, etc.

However, they are similar in many ways too in that they are both very fast expedition boats that are surprsingly maneuverable for their length, seaworthy in big water, and great surfing in following seas. The mix of speed, surfing ability and maneuverability is what makes these two boats stand out.

How would you compare them in terms of: speed and efficiency, ability to surf following seas / windwaves, maneuverability and rough water performance?

Just curious…


Not sure why you’re asking us
if you have paddled these extensively as you say. How do YOU like them? You might get 15 replies here and 15 different answers but it all comes down to what you want out of a boat.

The most important difference may be…
…simply that the Nordkapp is built with better materials and quality control.

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I have…
But I am curious to hear other opinions and feedback from those who may have discovered something about the boat in a particular situation I have not experienced or considered.

Also have not gotten to do actually take a GPS to both to compare speed.

Other opinions and more data is always good…right?

Personally I like them both, but am a bit undecided between the two and can’t paddle them back to back. Can’t have both either unfortunately.

Also, the conditions in which I have paddled both may be slightly different since I owned and paddled them in different locations and conditions.

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I would certainly agree on that. But there are some NDK boats out there that have a good solid build.

One thing I would comment on though is that the GP is inherintly less durable. The hard edges chip easily on rocks, the flat hull flexes and could be easily damaged in a rocky landing, etc. A rounded hull is inherintly much stronger.

As to surfing, I sometimes found the nose of the GP to pearl a bit, given its straight lines. Not so with the Nordkapp. On the other hand, these straight lines make it slice through chop, rather than riding up and over so it may be faster paddling into chop. GP also may weather cock a bit less.

Close call between both boats. Pros and cons to each, but overall both are great.

Again, just interested in others’ opinions and experiences.

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personal preference
For a Newfoundland circumnav record attempt, I chose the GPro as I wanted a faster hull than the Explorer that I had been using.

You are correct that the chines will suffer damage from rocks, but it is mostly cosmetic (gel-coat). A keel strip and chine strips are a good idea in rocky areas and should help prevent damage.

GPro layup is heavy but is pretty tough - I “bottomed out” on rocks more than once, fully loaded and felt the hull flex but absolutely no damage (some flex is a good thing). By the same token, I cracked the hull on a very well-made but lighter layup in a (round hulled) Rockpool the year before in Newfoundland, when a wave trough caused me to bottom out for just a second on a rock (craaaaaack).

The GPro does like to surf (if not too overloaded). During a 93km paddle, crossing Placentia Bay in NFLD, I was occasionally getting runs up to 19 kts (20mph) in steep following seas.

I have owned a Nordkapp (HS), it’s a fine kayak as well. It’s largely a matter of your personal preference. I do like the “nod” to Greenland “style” in the GP, although it is far from a Greenland kayak.

Speed of both is good, but on flatwater they are significantly slower than something like an Epic 18x.

If you wear boots, make sure that you have sufficent footroom in the Gpro.

Greg Stamer

All I can say

– Last Updated: Nov-07-12 1:05 PM EST –

I love my NDK Greenlander Pro. I have only had it for this one summer and I really enjoy paddling it, got it used a 2006 model. When you have following waves the thing is a speed demon. Fastest boat by far I have paddled under those conditions. I always get way ahead of the pack and have to stop and wait. It just catches the waves even little ones and gets propelled realy fast. I have never paddled a Valley Nordkapp but paddled a few other plastic Valleys Avocet and Aquanaut.Didnt care for those Valleys.

I wasnt at first sure I would like the hard chine on the Greenlander but really like it now. Great boat in ruff water in Lake Erie or Ontario. Sooo much better than the eddyline Nighthawk 16 I had before.Only thing I didnt like was the backband. Mine has the fiberglass seat not the newer foam one which I hear is nice. I removed the backband and carved a backreast out of foam which is glued to rear bulkhaed. Its narrow so no problem rolling or getting good rotation for paddling. I use greenland paddle myself. I think its a rule you have a kayak called greenlander you must use a greendland paddle.

Its body of work speaks for itself. Love mine and my summation would be that it richly rewards good moves and punsishes bad.

all good points
agree on the speed and surfing ability of the GP. Very true.

I also like its really solid secondary and the “edgy” feel it has. It is also surprisingly maneuverable, but sometimes seems to get “locked in” when on a wave and sometimes is locked on the wrong direction.

The Nordkapp may be a little more controllable on a wave…??? It also may be a little more refined in its ability to respond to slight nuances in edging, etc. This ability to respond to slight nuances is what also makes it a bit unforgiving I think.

True that they are not as fast an an Epic on the flats, but are both reasonably fast. and in textured water they could probably stay pretty close.

Having owned both…

doesn’t the GP pro have more rocker
…than the original?

The Pro is longer to give it a longer waterline and more speed…I suspect it has less rocker.

ah. thanks
…and then there’s the G Race.

Greenlander std
The original greenlander has a hair more rocker and

is a few inches shorter.

Both the nordkapp and GP are great boats, if you could

get away with abit less storage the nordkapp lv to

me is a nicer boat then both and easily has the speed

but turns so much nicer with all that rocker but

still so slippery and quick.

Nordkap lv
is an outstanding boat. Very fast and very nimble as well. It really does not hold much weight or volume though.

Didn’t you ask the same Q recently?
Could swear that oldgeezer or oldgeezer1 already threw this one in, and responded to replies the same way.

and beautiful also
I’ve always liked the distinct profile.

No I did not ask this question before. I may have asked a question about the Bahiya and how it compares to the GP (was thinking of getting a Bahiya).

And yes, I probably did respond similarly to responses. It seems that on this forum people will often critcize for questions about boats and boat handling. I personally find that asking questions and discussing how one boat compares to another is a reasonable question.

GP With a Load???
Can anyone comment on how the GP performs with a moderate load (50-60 pounds)?

I have heard one person say it did not do well with a full on expedition load, but I am a pretty light packer. Curious to hear how it might do with a moderate load.

I have paddled the Nordkapp with this load and it seemed to be right in its element…which is not surprising. Most people have said that the Nordkapp paddles best with a load and I think that may be true.

Boat Comparisons
I enjoy reading these.