Valley Qajariaq

Thanks Zeb
Enjoy the new ride! You’re the first kid on the block to have one.


I Dunno…

– Last Updated: Jan-24-05 6:46 PM EST –

I guess I'm just secure enough that I don't need to play "I know whaaat quareqaqar means and you ou ou ou doh ohnn't" I thought Volkswagen was dumb for introducing a "toureg".

Toureg... Jeez.

Pahdon me. I have to take this call. It's from Paree. That's in Frahnce, you know. It's about my new qaraqaqaraq.



Having problems dealing with pretentious people here in NC.


well I

– Last Updated: Jan-25-05 9:13 AM EST –

try to have a good sense of fun when I butcher Italian. But your english is already better than my Italian.

Yeah how does it paddle? Inquiring minds need to know. Is it just a long anas, or is it a new beast?

Talk About Conflicted…
on one hand I appreciate the additional option of a less expensive boat (Aquanaut RM). On the other, at 73 lbs, holy beefy cow! Not a boat for a small person. I mean I used to heft my Pamlico, almost 70, lbs onto the roof rack but it was no joy. Nice scratches on my car show clearly where I have slipped here and there.


Thanks, James
It’s been a long wait. I don’t know why I would need the heavier RM version as the regular layup should be plenty tough. It will be interesting to hear why they decided to make the heavier boat.—Rich

oh I had to look up
qajariaq with the rest of you. It just didn’t irk me in the way it probably did you.

Not so fast there Sing…

– Last Updated: Jan-26-05 3:16 AM EST –

In reply to your "I doubt it." part..... working on something close.

Side note to anyone reading this.
What am i doing wrong?..... My answers to certain posts now seem to get tossed in where I was not intending them to be.

It’s A "Conspiracy…"
by the manufacturers! LOL.

Well… When are you going to get up the specs for the Mermaid? More important, are you paying attention to the OT’s about boat names. I can’t be caught in a “Mermaid!” Wait… let me think about that. :slight_smile:


Paradigm available
There is a Paradigm for sale (and a Sultan):

  • END OF SEASON SALE: Azul Sultan, one new, one demo, WPK Paradigm demo, others. Details at Website:, or call 518-677-3040. Northcountry Kayak, Troy, NY

    I’ve paddled alongside George in his Paradigm. It is a fast pretty low volume boat. I’m too big for it - George has just about no free board when paddling it unladen. I like the Sultan, which is among the fastest of Brit style boats with moderate initial and impressive secondaary stability.

Just don’t get caught!

did you look up
the word TEMPEST?

tem·pest ( P ) Pronunciation Key (tmpst)


A violent windstorm, frequently accompanied by rain, snow, or hail.

fits in with what she does well at, violent wind.

doesn’t say anything about "Muscle car from the '70’s. hehe


As I recall the Tempest was Pontiac’s mid size car. The only notable thing abpout the Tempest is that it was the base for the GTO.

I’ve wondered if you or Widerness Systems were conscious of the name appearing to be of the lineage of well established Current Designs’ boats - Storm & Squall?

I Am Betting…
that the “Tempest” performs better than the “Storm” or “Squall” (former Squall owner) in an “interesting” day.

The question is whether Flatpick mandates a aca/bcu thingie to go out in one his boats. :wink: (LOL!)


I will be fair and say it does

– Last Updated: Jan-27-05 8:45 AM EST –

have its own literary merit, being the name of a shakespearean play, but not one of his best ones, but who the heck would name a kayak Titus Andronicus. Except me...

But as Titus was his first play, where characters are raped, beheaded, dismembered, and baked into pies, it is a bit over the top.

Maybe it's more of a whitewater rodeo style kayak name.

Denigrating The Tempest?
I’ve had an affection for Shakespeare’s Tempest for as long as I can remember. I find it a rich, witty, and amusing play. That there have been so many intersting adaptations (Cassevates etc.) and riffs (Prospero’s Books among others)seems indicative of the quality of the work.

Steve’s boat being named for the play is much more interesting than if it were named for a mid-size 60s-70s Pontiac or ‘a violent windy storm’ (OED).

i haven’t seen a production of
the play that has done the text justice.

Do you of any productions that have been video taped or that are out on DVD worth watching?

As a fan of most things fantasy, the play definitely has some inherint merit for me, Prospero is an influence on Gandalf for sure.