Does anybody own our have experience with
fiberglass Skerray. Seems like info, reviews
very limited on a boat thats been around for
a while. Was wondering how much of a differnce
between fiberglass model & plastic version.
Was talking to GRO & they mentioned its alot
straighter tracking & faster then RMX model.
Then after talking to one owner & some research
its suspose to be quite maneuverable. Don’t have
close demo to check out fiberglass model & not
really big on plastic boats(demoed rmx really
liked but want to stay fiberglass).
I owned a Skerray. Liked it but the high back deck, ocean cockpit and a bum shoulder did not mix.
Back deck
Back deck does look kinda high, I think I’ll
hold off on fiberglass model & try to find
a good deal on plastic model. Thx
I own a skerray. I also find the back deck is a bit high. To me the cockpit in the plastic version feels a bit smaller. It turns easily with leaning or edging. It’s fast and has plenty of storage for trips.