Version en français?

Bonjour est-il possible d’avoir aussi ce site en français

Bonjour Lulu. Not to my knowledge but someone here probably is fluent en Francais.

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On your browser you convert websites to any language, if that helps. Unless I read that wrong :expressionless: :laughing:

select “website” and put in the url.


Also FYI

iPhones can now translate text messages as you converse.

Here is the symbol in a browser to click (they say Chrome is the best but I use Safari)

Don’t know about French, but the translation of Dutch into English is terrible, especially with jargon related to paddling. Swedish to English works reasonably well in thar respect, in my experience, if you are able to interpret the mistakes well enough.

Also this site is mostly US English which sometimes uses different paddling terms than UK English. All in all if you have problems with reading English you are out of luck in that respect.

I had to do a job for a couple months on a refugee camp on the Syrian border of Jordan and all the medical documents were in Arabic and
I made it through it with a google translate. It’s not perfect but I can say that every couple of months the technology improves a LOT. It’s like peeling an onion using translation technology but it opens so many doors. Even in my everyday life here I am translating almost everything from German. It is just a new way to learn a language maybe?

I think the problem here is that there is a lot of ‘paddling jargon’ involved that Google translate just doesn’t know how to deal with properly yet, especially with the Dutch language. Therefore I often write in English and then translate that in German for discussions in German, because that way I get the best results.

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