[Video] The Waves are back! (reminded why I love winter)

Fun Christmas eve paddle today. A strong storm front is moving down the coast and pumping up big swell at moderate distance from me. Local winds were only 15-25mph, but the tide and rip currents were very strong from the long fetch.

0.5-2ft local wind waves. 3ft continuous groundswell with regular sets up to 6ft+. Occasional open water breaking waves with the top 1-2ft crumbling.

When exiting/entering the harbor it was extremely technical as the rip current coming out stacked up the waves into steep and 6+ footers with the top 1-2ft breaking regularly, and the current ripping away from the harbor inlet at a 45* angle.

I had an unintentional swim as I was turning around near the worst of the rip zone - I paddled a mile out into the wind and waves and was paddling back surfing an occasional set. I was in the rip current exiting the harbor break wall and hit a set of 4 monster waves stacking up against the rip. I got 4 back-to-back surfs which was crazy. The wave was very steep and 4 times in a row I went “over the edge” of the crest and slingshot’d down the wave face.

The smaller 2’ wind waves were stacked up in between the 6 foot groundswell and I took back-to-back-to-back fire hose-to-the-face blasts as the bow buried uncontrollably into the smaller waves moving through the swell and the wave deflector turned the torrent of water into a face-blaster of epic porportions. It took all my wits to keep the boat perpendicular to the wave as I could hear more in the set crashing behind me.

Anyways, at the end of this set I was just inside the break wall and the rip dissipated, which made the waves less surfable, so I turned around to go back out and have another run. exactly half way through the turn around a big wave caught my stern and lightly broached me. I was tired and still reveling in the face-blasting run and was a split second late on a hard brace.

In I went, on the wrong side (down-wind / down-wave). Luxkiuly the primary set had just gone through and I turned outside the rip so the ocean was washed out and pretty flat all things considered. I took a moment to setup the remount properly, knowing the off-side would require a tad more finesse, and nailed the first attempt.

I paddle in conditions where I would prefer not to swim as often as possible, but when the ‘S hits the fan’, having a bombproof recovery is at the core of my paddling ethos.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas.

Here is about a mile off shore as I turned around. The rip is nonexistent here and the conditions flatten out significantly compared to within 1/2 mile of the break wall. The groundswell is nice and flat with minimal stacking. Sorry for a jerky video, Im balancing a 18" boat and trying to film :slight_smile:


Exciting stuff! Santa delivered early for you. :santa:

I get some rolls in every time I go out just to make sure I am ready for play. Drilled into my mind – “Swimming leads to no good.” Will have to learn remounts soon. That’s going to feel odd, at least initially.

Looking forward to some waves of my own this week. Mahalo!


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More big waves and beautiful seas this week.

The wind was dead calm, but the Groundswell was big. Maybe 4ft@15s a mile off shore, which stacked to 6-8ft as it approached 1/2 - 1/4mi from shore. Waves were breaking just inside the breakwall 1/4mi out which is unusually close.

The waves were very “fat”. Almost convex with extra volume an energy compared to short wind waves. The sine wave was very shallow much of the time, but when 2 wave trains overlapped they stacked up steep and huge, so I had to keep an eye on the horizion.

The sea was quite flat in between the large swell, but the swell was pushy and getting reflected off the break wall, so it was either very calm or very wavy.

I rode a standout set right to the edge of comfort up to the break, maybe 100 yards outside the outer breakers. Again I turned around and half way through, I swam as I was celebrating the epic ride in for the last 1/3 mile through the rip and stack up zone. Lesson - maintain focus. Lol. The ocean punishes ignorance quickly.

Again I was on the down wave side (but at least here was no wind at all, making life 10x easier).

I was towards the end of the biggest 6-8 wave set of the night, and could see another big 8 footer stacking 150 yards behind me.

The sea was almost flat so it made the setup and remount easy, but I’m learning to take the extra 5 seconds right before recounting to make sure everything is correct and seryo for success. I’ve found it makes a huge difference in success and fineness to take a moment and get everything situated properly before the remount.

I got back in (with some time stress still) and started sprinting to finish the last 90* of turn and get my bow straight into the oncoming wave, which wasnt breaking but was steep enough that bow angle control was important.

I’m enjoying the winter so far and am waiting for a big wind/wave event in a better direction for downwinding.

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The west coast is definitely getting the goods this winter. Got to get out and get on them tho’! Good for you. :clap: :clap:


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Steamer Lane/Santa Cruz waves from a couple of days ago… Beautiful and Big (not for the novices among us).
