Vote on your favorite theme

Hey everyone, there are now 4 different themes available: Light, Dark, Classic and Simple.

You can pick the theme you would like to see by clicking on the hamburger menu and then choosing your theme.

Right now, the default theme for all users (that don’t choose one for them self) is the Light theme.
We’d like your thoughts as to what the default theme would be for any one that hasn’t specified one or isn’t logged in.

  • Light
  • Dark
  • Classic
  • Simple

0 voters

My advice would be to use the “Simple Theme” as the default theme, though that is not the one that I prefer. I prefer the “Dark Theme” personally as it makes everything easier for me to see and I find it visually pleasing. It may be an acquired taste and some folks won’t stick around long enough to use it.

The Simple Theme appears to be closest to the previous software interface so that should make some folks more comfortable.