I picked up a Walden Paddler kayak a while ago, but it has no seats. It looks like there is a track for a seating system installed, but I can’t find any information on compatible replacement seats.
I’ve seen photos (old craigslist ads) of similar canoes, but the again, I can’t find any details about the seats so I can get some.
Here is a link to an image of a very similar (if not exactly the same) kayak:
Any information will be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, I’ll have to remove the track and modify the canoe to accommodate more readily available seats.
Walden made odd little kayaks for a while (and have also been out of the business for a while – 2 years??)
But even if you could find original seats I doubt you would want them. I’ve twice checked out used Walden kayaks people were selling locally (did not buy either). My impression was the seats were awkward and uncomfortable (and I have a high tolerance for crappy kayak seats in my fleet of various vintage yaks)
So I would advise you to construct or buy an aftermarket seat. I have not personally tried one but I have heard nothing but raves about this one in the link below, the Bumfortable. Not cheap, but your bum will be happy.
Looks good, but as with any aftermarket
seat, it may take some additional foam to install in a Walden.
Wonder why someone would Thoreau the original seat away…
Historical note. I bought our Bluewater tandem canoe from a Jackson, Michigan dealer back about 2002. I got a steep discount because a joint marketing arrangement between Canadian Bluewater and US Walden kayaks had fallen apart. The dealer said Walden was going out of business. I don’t know how long they have actually been under the pond.
good one, g2d!
always appreciate a literate pun.
I picked up a rather nice used two piece wooden kayak paddle labeled “Walden” last year. Wonder if it was marketed by the same folks?
The “Bumfortable” may cost more than the OP paid for the kayak.
question on your seats
You mentioned seats (plural) and rails. Is this an open cockpit tandem that might have had removable seats that slid so it could convert from tandem to solo? That could explain why they were missing (kayak seats are not usually easy to remove.)
Like this?
I was always attracted to the Redfish
Kayak foam seat, which they make from a template you produce from your own kayak. But I’m glad to see the new option.