Walk or Paddle Boston

Nobody out but the treasure hunters. I talked to one of our local metal detection crew a while ago. He claims to find wedding rings and dead GoPros. Seems like kind of a depressing hobby. He says since the pandemic he hardly every finds coins anymore, not that they are worth much anyway.

Happy Father’s day. My sons are far away, but hoping to see both this summer.

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Happy Father’s Day to you as well. Your boys and mine were kids when we met. Now, they are men with kids of their own. Time flew by. The “circle game…” :slight_smile:


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I am fortunate. My 3 kids and theirs are all with us in one house at the beach. It is great until about Wednesday when all the guys, me included, begin to feel trapped.

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Too funny… :stuck_out_tongue: I am headed to my in-laws for the cookout. Told my wife, I’ll hang around for a couple of hours and will then go to nearby Charles River to fish. When my wife and her girl siblings get together, well, it can go on and on… I just can’t sit still for that long. :grimacing:



Got a little bit of panfishing up by Paddle Boston - Newton boathouse. Despite a cloudy, chilly 60 degree day, still some rental boats out and about.



Catch any?


Naw… that’s a brown trout I caught a month ago at the Quinnipoxit River, about 1.5 hours west of Boston. LOL!

Today, was just a bunch of bluegills just to keep my nymphing skills some what intact with a flyrod. Nothing worth taking pics off.


I’ve seen few brown trout but grew up swimming with the bluegills. They will nibble on you .
One of the best fish fries I’ve been to was a lake somewhere in SC. We were catching bluegills and they were fried and ready to eat as soon as they stopped flopping.
As fresh and tasty as fish gets.