Wallkill river..new paltz north

How far up can you paddle the wallkill from the Water Street putin just south of 299? Can one paddle unobstructed all the way to Sturgeon Pond in Rifton. I know there is a hydroelectric dam there and then the wallkill drains into the rondout…

I know I’ve seen some kayakers on the Wallkill by the NYS Thruway before, I always look!


I’d be interested in this answer as well. I paddle the walkill further south on the NY/NJ border and have always wondered about further north.

Wallkill (NJ)
I’ve padded from CR565 north but not as far as oil city before. It’s a lot narrower down there since the wallkill flows north to Rifton (dammed).

Very nice section and a lot different than the meandering wide sections by New Paltz…


Three launchs on the Wallkill in New Paltz, one is on Water street south of Rt 299, the other is on Springtown Road, about 4.5 miles north of Rt 299 and the other is Perrine’s Bridge Park. Basically, you can easily go to about 300 yards past the covered bridge at Perrine’s bridge park and the NYS Thruway where there is a waterfall and a dam. (It’s marked with Danger signs at least on the shore). That’s about 10 miles from the Water street launchsite.


The Bridge
Like the above post stated there are danger signs on the banks HOWEVER you should look to pull out at the covered bridge for safety sake. This time of year the river moves fairly slow but with the occasional storms the runoff can make things a bit faster. I usually try to stay on the opposite (west side) bank when passing the golf coarse. Flying objects have been known to appear. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I turned around right past the boat launch as I was also trying to paddle down to New Paltz itself too and I knew that there isn’t much beyond the bridge…


Unknown paddler just north of New Paltz


Seda Gypsy taken from the rail trail 30 May 2007. Who is this man? One of you?

Not I!
Would of been an Impex Mystic if it was I.


Thanks, Jay. Is there a specific address for the launch point in New Paltz?

Must take out at Perrines Bridge, Rifton, NY. A mile further is the Dashville Power Dam which has ugly (40’ drop into a cliff) consequences.

The impoundment creates @10 miles of lazy river to paddle but you dint get to Sturgeon Pond unless you portage.

Sojourner Truth Park on Plains Rd. is the launch.

See you on the water,
