The ice will be breaking up in a few weeks and I’d like to start rolling outside again. My problem is that I hate ice cream headaches! I have a NRS mystery sea hood but its not very warm and doesn’t cover my neck etc. Have any of you tried the NRS storm hood and do you recommend it, or what other hoods would you recommend - and where’s a good place to order them from.
I Went to a Local Dive Shop
They sold me a nice, warm hood. It says “Deep See” on it.
I second the dive shop. Been using a dive hood for the past 3 winters.
3rd on the dive shop
Can’t beat diving hoods for countering ice cream headaches.
My toasty dive hood says “HyperFlex” and I appreciate the built-in visor.
So much for disagreement on pnet.
O’neil’s Coldwater Hood
It’s the best I’ve found so far. It fits snug around the face and ears and close enough on the neck to minimize water intrusion. I like the visor, too. The only caveat is that the sizing runs small, so it’s best to try it first. Their XL size is just barely big enough for my size 7 5/8" noggin.