Which machine should I buy so I can keep up my paddelling strenght during the winter? I like the wooden frame Water Rower because it folds for summer storage, but all the University skulling teams use the Concept 2.
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I believe there are comments on both units.
Particularly the C2.
water rower is a beautiful machine. Not very practical.
I’ve been active in rowing as a coxswain, rower and coach since i was 14, and can remember all to well the old gamut ergometers that would take up half a room. The concept 2 was a gift from the rowing goods. Knock-offs have come and gone (the best being the coffey rower of the mid-eighties.)
But the C2 has stood the test of time, is a sturdy machine and the standard dryland machine for almost rowing program world wide.
Just make sure you learn the proper technique. (most health clubs have no idea what they are doing)
I have had a C2 Ergometer for over 15 years now and I have owned all of their models (A through D).
I am not a competitive rower, but the C2 is my primary fitness machine and the one I use to cross-train for kayaking or xc skiing.
Safe paddling,
The Concept 2 it is. Thank-you so much for your help.
Both of my boys row competivley
And the C2 we bought from the factory as a demo model is what they use with no complaints. It is also what their schools train with.
Second that
C2. No question. And Kjplumb is right on about technique (and lack there of at many gyms). Good luck and good idea!
And the C2 folds/disassembes for summer storage, too.
Maintenance and repair?
A related question for all of the Concept 2 owners: have you had any maintenance and repair issues? I assume it would have far fewer than a treadmill, but what has broken on your machine, and how easy (and cheap) was it to fix? Also, can basic annual maintenance be done by the owner?
Now I am the only user of the C2 in my house, but the only maintenance I have done on any of the C2 Ergometers units I have owned is lube the chain occasionally. Per the owner’s manual you can do most of your own work and C2’s customer support is top notch. In short, the best company I have ever dealt with from a product support standpoint.
OK, I do wipe down the rails after each use and I have vacuumed off the fan in-take once.
BTW, I have logged about 11 million meters on 4 machines.
tcv is big time.
I have much les experience than tcv, having used it for only one winter, buying new in 2005. But I will say, this thing seems, as tcv said, bombproof. It is very simply yet rigidly contructed... no chatter, rattles, and it's not flimsy at all. I too wipe the rail (where the seat slides) and lube the chain about once a month, and that's it. All parts, should they break (cannot see why they would though) are replaceable from the company. They make one product, and make it well, and this is the product. You won;t be unhappy, wkerrig. Try 'er out.