Water Too Solid? - Build Your Canoe!

Only for the ambitious and/or bored… :astonished:



That’s a big canoe!

That dugout is a massive undertaking!

This method for a plywood canoe seems much more achievable. I’ve been slowly accumulating the stuff and I’m going to start in a few weeks.


Half a lifetime ago I built a canoe/pirough with plans from JEM Waterworks . It was mosrly 1/4" plywood from Lowe’s. A photo of our maiden voyage is still on the net.

Yup! That is what struck me about that process. And, these folks were augmenting with power tools too.

Technology allows for much lighter options – fiberglass S&G and cedar strips. Have to give Inuits their due for the use of “skin on frames” which is still a good option today!


Once built - no small thing - paddling something like that would add a whole new dimension to considerations of whether to run a rapid or portage it.

PS: Login is working again!

Thanks for sharing. It helps me a lot.

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The whole thing becomes a “team sport”. LOL!
