More exclamation marks, please.
I don’t think you’ve quite gotten across the urgency of the matter.
Rolling In Beach Break
I’ve seen some pretty nasty beatings when guys attempted to roll in 2 feet of water with 3-4 foot waves coming in at 10 second intervals.
Makes for a pretty unpleasant wet exit compared to just hopping off an SOT.
Don’t Misunderstand What I Said
I never said you can't do a surf launch in a SINK. I paddle with TsunamiChuck, and never seen him wipe out on a launch yet.
I've taken lessons from national team kayak surfers like Mark Pasik. I see some of the best in the world every year at the Santa Cruz Surf Kayak Festival.
I am at the beach about every other weekend in Spring and Fall and most of the regulars who launch from the beach ride SOTs
All I am saying is on a typical spring weekend on Monterey Bay I see lots of guys really struggling to get off the beach in SINKS, or getting beat down in the beach break coming back in.
And to be honest, I see it happen to guys in SOTs, also. As I said, I'm not pretending that I make it out on the first try every time myself.
Let's be honest. No one does.
I was at an expression session at Davenport on a huge day with some of the best kayak surfers in the world. Vince Shay, Dave Johnson, and Rusty Sage were there. I managed to survive a triple overehead swell without getting wet, and got a round of applause, but I wiped out on a 2-3 wave coming back onto the beach in the cove.
I remarked to Mark Pasik that it was kind of embarrassing to do that in front of the crowd that was there that day. Mark said don't sweat it. There is no one here that hasn't wiped out on a 2-3 foot wave.
Skip the stabilizers
Take a lesson and practice in calm water first. The Storm is a huge, stable boat so no issues there.
Thanks to everyone!!
i’m going to keep trying…and trying…practice is everything!!!..