West Branch

of the Susquhanna.

Anyone ever do a 4-6 day from near the beggining covering about 60-80 miles?

I like to figure 15-20 mi on the Allgeheny per day. With normal water flow that is about 7 hours afloat and that is enough for the kids and us old guys. We are used to a 0730 start, the scouts have their crap together so breaking camp isnt a problem. Then a hour for lunch, and get off the water at around 3:30 giving them lots of time to set up, mess sround in the river or throw a football, eat, whatever, and still hit the rack at a decent time.

Starting to plan the spring trip for next year for the scouts and we have done the fun parts of the Allgeheny multiple times. Time to try new water. We are going to do a 2 nighter this Sept on the Clarion, and we have people who have floated it a lot, and a Oct weekend where we are going to put in at Fishermans cove Fri night, float to Danner to camp, then head for Emlenton.

We have never done the W branch but it looks like it is a pretty run and from the info I found on the interwebs, there is camping pretty much every where.

Anyone ever do something likr that there?

but not paddled. A spring trip. Coal country, last I was there 20 years ago, the lower end toward Lock Haven

had a multiple rail line near the river.

With 2’ water, an interesting trip. Bring cold weather clothing.




Karthaus to Keating ?
Tinker to…
