What do I use to put a name on my kayak?

I recently decided to name my first kayak but am uncertain as to what to use exactly…ordinary paint? I’m concerned about the environment so I don’t want to use just anything and I thought that stickers would just fall off. Any suggestions??

Commercial sign shop

– Last Updated: Jun-29-06 9:51 PM EST –

Pick out a font or give them a sample and they can do it for you. If you're artistic, try painting the name on. Just don't use water soluble paint.

I went the commercial route...



Oh no!
My wife names everything (her car, my truck, etc). If she sees this thread, I’m going to be hauling her kayak to the local artist for a little “nose art”! :slight_smile:

On second thought, if anybody saw my damaged kayak thread, this may be just the thing to cover it up! The dings are in just the right spot. Patch it and paint over it. Viola!

I love the name you put on yours. Took me just a second of “What…?” before it hit me!

Kayak Retailers
In some cases kayak retailers will have a name put on for you. The store I bought my kayak from did this for me (for an extra charge of course).

Vinyl Letters

I just purchased vinyl letters from Office Depot or Staples and stuck them on. Turned out real nice for me. They have been on for over two years with no problems. You can get some nice

and crazy fonts too.

Ha! That name is classic. Thumbs up!

Putting a name on your kayak…
Boat stores, and even KMart, sell vinyl letters specifically made for boats…in different sizes, fonts, and colors.

in the kayak
i put the critical contact info inside the kayak…cant see adding anything to the outside and often wish some manufact. would limit what they put out there…i hate advertising for anyone-even myself it seems

A hot nail works. At least that is what
they apparently used for the serial numbers on a couple of my boats.

Gee thanks!
I’m glad you figured it out. You guys must be relatively new here. I must have posted that shot half a dozen times or so over the years.

Naming your boat has come up regularly here. I think there is another thread going on here somewhere.


makes beautiful decals, letters, symbols, etc. They don’t come off - mine have been on for about five years now. Great selection.

New here?
“You guys must be relatively new here.”

Not unless you still consider a month to be “new”? :slight_smile:

I second Decalzone
Good service and great looking stickers. Mine are for the tagging of my boat (stupid Oklahoma frustration laws) and I got them to match the font of my manufacturer. Looks great.

And, to the post below: a month is just a baby on this board! I’ve been here over 6 years and I think I’m a newbie.



How about using a Sharpie!
Sharpies write on anything and the ink lasts. I’d try that first. My name is still on most my boats and paddles that way so I think if you were artistic you could draw it nice on the outside of the boat too.

name on kayak
looks great! did you name both sides or just at the port bow?