I have done 7 hatches Krazy glue is cheapest, easiest, neatness thing to use.
@shiraz627 said:
I would go with Lexel.
There you go–I couldn’t think of the name. It certainly seems to work well on foam bulkheads.
Post a picture when your done please. What colour is lexiol?
Marine Goop will work. So will Lexel, but its cure time is longer than Goop. Both products are clear. I avoid silicone seal. If you ever have to redo it, cleaning off the old silicone is a pain.
You can’t clamp the gasket or hold it in place properly. Using Krazy glue you can work your way around a section at a time. Now if I wanted to add aquaseal I would do it with a small hobby paint brush where the two meet just a thin line.
Remember that silicone isn’t an adhesive. Sure, it can stick some things together but there are almost always better options. Silicone is a sealant.
@Sparky961 said:
Remember that silicone isn’t an adhesive. Sure, it can stick some things together but there are almost always better options. Silicone is a sealant.
If you run a bead a silicone bead of silicone and flatten it with your finger it holds good. It’s always in compression and never in much tension at all. I did it after the tube was in place with krazy glue. Fast fix works good also. I had some black silicone and experimented. I’ll see if I can uncover the right boat tomorrow and post a picture.
@PaddleDog52 said:
If you run a bead a silicone bead of silicone and flatten it with your finger it holds good. It’s always in compression and never in much tension at all.
There are almost always better options. Silicone is not an adhesive.
Nothing to report since I’ve been out paddling and the hatch is still on the work bench awaiting goop.
However, about silicone sealant as adhesive–I removed the aluminum channel upright from a shower enclosure in my house, and years earlier, before I had installed that channel, I ran a bead of silicone up the tile wall behind the channel. With difficulty I was able to pry the channel off the wall, but the face of the tile ripped off with it. So, it’s not adhesive, but it stuck to that tile with enough power to peel the glazing off the tile. That’s some strong adhering, from a sealant!
I glued a piece of trim on sliding back door yesterday with some white silicone I had left over. No matter what you call it I’ll call it stuck for my lifetime.