If you are driving from the Philadelphia area,
what is the best way to the west side of Raystown Lake?
I have done the upward route of 322, and have done the turnpike to 30 and north 26.
Now I see on maps.live there is another route,
taking the turnpike and going north on 22, another northern loop.
Anyone know the best way?
Thank you,
Pa turnpike…
– Last Updated: Mar-20-07 12:09 AM EST –
to Breezewood exit{Rt 30}to 26N,up 26 north to Heston. 26 is windy road ,few small towns to go through 45-55 mph speed limits. There are other routes ,but more towns,lower speed limits,traffic,longer travel times.If you need to stop{eat,gas} take Fort Littleton exit 522N to 22 to Huntington ,and then 26 S. If you take the Breezewood exit there is gas & food there after that very little chance. I tow a trailer,so I like less traffic,and have been taking the Breezewood exit every year,but it's your choice. As a time reference it is 2 1/2 hours from the turnpike entrance at Harrisburg.
Happy Paddling billinpa