from a kayak. Is trolling a good method?
I bass fish the majority of the time. I fish from a canoe but it really is not that different. First off you can get places other boats cannot so go there. Little creeks and backwaters are your haven. For bluegill find an overhanging tree and cast wax worms or little jigs near the tree. Bass and other fish get too complex to answer quickly. However, I have seen many people trolling out of kayaks. I do not know how well it works but plenty of people do it so it cannot be a bad idea.
Best Way To Fish
I fish from an Ocean Kayak Scrambler XT 100% of the time in the ocean. It has been my experience that the best way to fish is to fish for the fish that are there.
I do 2 things to find the fish: (1)listen to the fishing reports for my local area, paddle to where the reports say the fish are; and (2)paddle to where the private and/or charter boats are fishing. In either case, I will rig for the fish they have found.
I have my kayak rigged with a rod holder that enables me to troll for surface fish. I bottom fish by drifting with the wind or current.
It depends on what you want. If you enjoy casting (as a skill) as part of your fun then cast lures to good looking spots. If you prefer to sit and lay back then throw out a night crawler near some structure. Personally, I find trolling boring. I’d rather test my skill by casting or lay back. Catching fish is just a relatively small part of a fishing trip for me.
thanks all
good input and advice well taken
Try Flyfishing
once you catch anything on a flyrod, you will be forever hooked! It allows for the most stealthy presentation, which when teamed with a Kayak’s stealth and ability to get into places usually unreachable to other boaters and bank fishermen, is devastating to the fish populations in those secluded areas!
Tr olling
Trolling is a very effective method. I fish alot of deep, clear lakes that don’t have a lot of vegetation. Casting to likely looking spots can be effective sometimes, other times you just got to find them wherever they have scattered to. I can usually pick up quite a few fish trolling.
how far
How far away do you have to be from the explosion so that you do not end up in a tree? Would a yak or canoe be better. Seems to me a real close proximity for a yak might be good. Also, do you cast the stick of dynamite, use a cane pole, or light it and gently lay it in the water so it will drift into likely looking structure? What size hook do you use to hold the dynamite if casting? Would it be better to rub some stink bait on the outside or inside of stick? You have got me interested in this type of sure fire fishing , but I need some guidelines.
Adapt, innovate, overcome
Depends on where you’re fishing, and what the wind and water conditions are. Freshwater, with low wind, I’ll use a fly rod with either streamers or popping bugs, size appropriate for the fish targeted. Higher wind, I’ll switch to a spincast rod, and use spinners, surface plugs, or deep water spoons. Fish the poppers and the weedless spoons in and around weedbeds. Sling the plugs along the edges of the weeds. Saltwater: if the water is murky, your best bet is natural bait; shrimp, minnows, squid strips, all from a spin cast rod. Clear water; troll spoons, plugs and/or plastics. Low wind, use a fly rod with weighted flies, or poppers, depending on what you’re after. However, a kayak moves at the perfect speed for trolling, so we always have a rod out dragging our favorite (personal preference) lures. Trolling in murky water calls for the addition of a strip of squid to spoons and/or plugs. Can’t hurt to add the meat to the lure in clear water either. But, trolling a live minnow behind an attractor (red and white duster) about a foot, or foot and a half ahead of the minnow can result in some rather largish fish. Just remember to bring a net, gaff and priest. Some of those large reds can be a mite rambunctous when they find themselves out of the water in someone’s lap. A good whack in the head does an amazing job of calming them down. I personaly use a little hand axe, with an eight inch curved blade on one side, and a hammer head on the backside. I know, it sounds somewhat medieval, but it works.
Tight lines, and good luck,
YakontheFly knows how nice the stealthiness of a kayak lets you travel around when trout are bindging on a heavy fly hatch, only I sometimes forget to start fishing when it all happens....;-)
....IF the waters aren't that deep and the fish feed on the surface often, go with the asthetic flyrod semp....
If most of your fishing is in NJ, I’m
not qualified to comment. In Florida, we often get out and wade, whenever it’s feasible. Wading is very productive in shallow water flats. Also, you can throw a small castnet, and use what the fish are hitting. We sightcast for reds, troll some of the deeper water for anything and everything, work topwaters, use jigs, spoons, and soft jerkbaits-just to mention a few of the lures in our arsenal.Oh, did I also mention kite-
fishing? Trying some new fishing kites from NZ. They are inflatable, no spars, roll up and pack in your fishing vest pocket.
or sprtfishing boat dock and buy the fish.
VERY effective. Works 100% of the time…
Paddle On!
-Frank in Miami
Most Effective
6 of one half dozen of the other. Depends where your fishing. Underwater structure will most always be the key, fresh or saltwater. Depths and temps set the rules. Bottom fishing will probably produce more fish, certainly a larger variety of fish in saltwater anyway.