What would / could you do?

A beautiful day on Jocassee. Saw more kayaks than I’ve ever seen there.
The boys wanted to go to Wright’s Creek Falls, one of the prettiest on the lake.
When we got there, the access was all but completely blocked by 3 large boats .
They had music blasting to the point where you couldn’t hear the falls from 15’ away.
Lots of alcohol being consumed but it still looked like a family outing.
We were able to squeeze by but several power boats wanted to look and couldn’t get close.
This is the second time I’ve seen this . The other was a party barge parked lengthwise across the access, same scenario.
Resource hogs. the DNR has authority on the lake but I doubt there is a noise ordinance. Not that I’ve seen a warden there in years.

I suppose one could blast them with an air horn a few times. Might try to advise the authorities of the access abuse.

Try arriving right at (or before) dawn. Leave well before noon.

Try to use it as a teaching moment for “the boys” so they see how a lack of courtesy and respect affects others.

Also, is open alcohol on the boats legal? Pretty sure that wouldn’t fly here. You could tip off the local authorities using a cell phone - but don’t make it obvious it was you.

Buzzed boating is the same as buzzed driving. Illegal. A call to local DNR or marine patrol when your’e away from the area would put them on notice there’s a problem. Sparky’s suggestion of getting there early in the morning is a good one, as most “recreational” activity doesn’t start until late morning/early afternoon - here in the Great Lakes area boaters aren’t morning people (except for fishermen). Maybe it’s different there.

Cell phone also have cameras.

We call those “sand bars” . They are known party locations to be avoided on week ends, holidays, and after 10am. Party people don’t get up early. I’d go somewhere else. You could tell the wardens about the sand bar location. They likely already know or just don’t have the resources.
Life’s to short to butt heads with butt-heads.

I would have gotten HINs or other identifying info, paddled away, and then called authorities. Blocking access and open consumption of alcohol (possibly BUI) should get their attention. Hopefully, some other paddlers in the crowds called, but maybe they thought someone else would do it.

That kind of scene actually highlights one good aspect of AIS inspection requirements. Here, powerboats and jet skis MUST have their vessel inspected before they can
proceed to the boat ramp. When an inspector is not present, the ramp access is closed.

I told the boys as we were leaving that the next time we would be there early. It is a fact that the party crowd are not early risers.

If you don’t like what you see happening now; wait another 5 years.
It will be worse; it gets worse every year.

You encountered some of the “special people”.
The “special people” don’t believe that rules or regulations apply to them.
Rules and regulations were made for the chumps; not “special people”.
Common sense and common courtesy; the “special people” don’t use those things. Common sense and common courtesy is for the chumps. You are complaining; therefore you are a chump, NOT a special person.

The “special people” have this kind of mentality: Shut up, and get out of my way. I’ll take as long as I damn well please to do whatever pleases me. If that’s a problem for anybody; they can kiss my “special” ass. They don’t exist in my “special” world.

Law enforcement is woefully understaffed; even if they weren’t, they mean little to nothing to the “special people”. The “special people”, do what pleases them, unless law enforcement are standing within sight & hearing.
I’ve seen special people (the truly stupid ones) argue with police, and park rangers to the point that they get arrested.

The “special people” are most often drunk (or stoned) when seen on lakes, rivers, or in campgrounds. They leave a wake of trash wherever they go. They are most often the loudest, most verbally crude, and are most often the ones with the boom box set on volume 11.
If not near drunk, drunk, or totally wasted; they aren’t having any fun.

Think they’re going to change? If you do; you are so very naïve…
It is so bad on the rivers in our area; I refuse to go canoeing on weekend.

What I’d like for the “special people” to do: stay home, sit in their back yard in a kiddy pool, and drink until they pass out, (preferably face down), in their kiddy pool. Hopefully they’d drown…

Their eulogy will surely include some comments about what a “special person” they were…


Great post, bob!

The specials are in all facets of life. Special parking scofflaws, special thieves, special phoner/texter/drivers, special smoke-anywhere-potheads, special doggists, special dumpers…the full gamut from small to large transgressions of both decent behavior and laws.

Plain and simple: I’d take sabre in hand and board 'em. Set fire to the engines, scuttle the lot. Confiscate all their rum, then sell all captives into the slave trade…Then I’d go to Denny’s and order a grand slam breakfast…Aaarrr…

Did none of that but stopped at Aunt Sue’s on the way home. A Reuben almost too big to eat, home made chips and a couple of quarts of sweet tea.

@string said:
I told the boys as we were leaving that the next time we would be there early. It is a fact that the party crowd are not early risers.

It’s probably because they go back to a camp site and talk loudly until 2:00 am.

Chat with SP officials, or better yet DNR to describe situation and their recommended course of action by you a recreational boater. I know you always set a fine example of courtesy and decorum which often acquiesces to the rude and belligerent. DNR would be happy to conduct a safety check of any vessel