When do you decide to hang up the paddle

You can always…
put chains on your paddle, or get a studded paddle. :wink:

Season is irrelevant here in NE
I’ve found that, no matter the season or the month, there are always a few days that allow a good paddle trip somewhere. And even if the water is solid here, the Ocean is always an option, or a short day’s drive will get you far enough south to get some good water.

I must say, however, that I tend in my old age to focus on having fun, and not paddling just for paddler’s sake. I won’t paddle cold whitewater on rainy days, because my glasses fog up. I won’t paddle on days that are colder than 35 to 40 degrees, because I find that it just isn’t that much fun. Unless it is snowing, which is awesome fun to paddle in. I won’t paddle on big lakes on windy days unless I have no choice (multi-day trips), again, because it isn’t much fun.

Other than that, I get out whenever I have the time.


Ice, or snowstorms
Air temp not that big a factor since I own a drysuit. If the air is really cold, the water tends to already have iced up enough that the powers-that-be close places to boating.

I also will not paddle if snow has caused either icy conditions OR road crew has salted the roads for same. I can’t wash off the mag chloride and sand/salt mixture up here, and that stuff damages vehicles and trailers if you let it sit for long unwashed. We have to be very careful about water running through outdoor spigot and hose when nights go below freezing. Would be different if I lived down the mountain near a carwash, like I did long ago. Basically, if it’s not actually necessary to drive in winter conditions, we don’t do it.


– Last Updated: Oct-17-11 8:50 PM EST –

Does this answer your question?

I'v paddled moving water at least once every week since the first paddle of this year on New Years Day..just a few more months and I will have earned my official 12 month paddler award..which i will present to myself at a private ceremony :-)

Dec 24
and don’t start again till Dec26

although I have occassionally paddled dec 25th

Will Put it Down When I’m Outta Here
And hopefully will continue when I make it “Upsairs!” Here in the Ozarks, even during cold spells the spring-fed waters stay open in many rivers. I may not paddle a day or three every week, as I do in the summer, but get out every month at least. Hopefully will make it south to visit my Alabama or Texas friends this next winter, too.

When i am so old they recommend
a poop-bag and rest-home.

At that time my daughter will drive me to San Diego, put me in my Scrambler and shove me through the surf where I will seek Hawaii, hopefully dieing in the attempt.

With my stupid luck, i’ll probably live and actually make Waikiki!