Which bilge pump and length?

-- Last Updated: Aug-05-12 6:07 PM EST --

I am just about to buy. Please help me out with your recommendations.

Bilge master or Scotty?

Short or long?

Please include brief reason why.


You shouldn’t worry about …
decisions like this. They are both fine and will get the job done. Either might save your life, or not.

I favor the Aquabound Bilge Master only because I can use it as a buoy for training. If you pull the handle out and throw it overboard it floats upside down sticking straight up like a small yellow buoy (at least mine does - it has the smaller, not full length, float collar). This makes a great target for practicing maneuvers like the side slip (hanging draw),draw on the move and backwards paddling.

I hardly ever use my pump for pumping out my kayak, however they also make a really good squirt gun. Most of the time I am paddling with friends who are capable of an assisted rescue should I need one. A good assisted rescue is fast and empties my kayak sufficiently, so pumping is not needed. I carry a pump when paddling alone, to loan to others should they want to pump out their boat, and when I’m coaching rescue practice.



Short can be better
Sitting in a kayak “hinders” use of arms for

up/down pulling action on a pump.

I prefer the shorter stroke of a Harmony pump

Perhaps this helps


Any short pump works
for me, I add about a foot of soft clear hose to the suction end. This makes it easier to pump out boat with the skirt in place; and pumping water out when you are outside of the boat in the water, (in my opinion).

Good pump roundup
Of 3, I’ve had best luck with the Beckson. Can be opened for cleaning.

Worst, was the Harmony. It sucked, because it wouldn’t suck, after just a short time. And, there was no way to take it apart for cleaning.

Aqua Bound was OK. Kind of ugly, heh.

Those lengths given are not to be trusted. I have the shortest Beckson. They call it 18 inches, but, that’s just the main tube. Actual length is almost 20 inches. Some of the other lengths given are probably similarly stated. And, I’ve never seen a “compact” Aqua Bound pump. Mine must have been 20-21 inches.

Skirt on and a pump ?

– Last Updated: Aug-06-12 1:56 PM EST –

Got the pump on your tummy thru torso hole ?

My pump would hit my seat making it
ineffective and useless

Can you elaborate please, what -keeps- the
"end" in the water on bottom of boat ?

It is easier done than explained,
I tuck my left elbow next to my hip and pull skirt up over my elbow making a space to run the tube right by my left hip and the tube goes straight to the base of my seat in between my back band and seat bottom. The hose hits the bottom of the boat just behind the seat pan.