Which one?Advise needed

-- Last Updated: Jun-14-09 9:30 PM EST --

Looking at 2 yaks,1 is Old town Castine{12'8 the other is Current Designs Whistler{14'6}I'm fairly new,frame size 5'11,225,mostly be used in rivers,lakes,light touring.Read the reviews on both,they seem pretty equal,the whistler is set-up for a rudder,other then that.any hands on experince with these yaks,let me know !Thanks in advanceupdate the whistler is no longer availble,2 Daggers are,1 Alantis 17'3 the other is dagger ll 17'5 older yak as I can't find to much info on this one,looks between these two though

At 225lbs
I’d look for a 16 ft boat

Very nice boat. I picked up a used one this winter and am very happy in it. I’m 6’1 and the foot rests are at the ends for use with the rudder so it is big enough but there is no extra room the way mine is set up.

Waiting on reply back on a Perception Carolina 16 also

Castine probably too small.
I have a couple Castines, and they’re decent kayaks, but probably not enough foot and leg room for someone your height. I’m 5’6" with 30" inseam and size 8.5 shoes and I think the foot room is a little snug, but I don’t always wear slim paddling shoes.

Mine weigh about 56 lbs in the Poly Link 3 construction. I usually use my lighter boats.

I’ve never paddled the other kayak that you’re considering.

Demo them
find a place that will let you try them before you buy something. You can not tell if you will like a certain boat until you have had it on the water.


Whistler/Perception Carolina
Interesting that you are considering both.

I also picked up a Perception Carolina 14.5 over the winter. I prefer paddling my Whisler. For me,it is a more stable platform. I also feel the CD plastic is much more heavy duty/durable. I like the higher bow of the Whisler. They are VERY different boats. Demo if you can.